8:30 Call to order.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Commissioner Board information/Legislative Bill watch
Old Business
- Wells Fargo
- Hail Damage to County property/Extension, Fairgrounds
- Steps at the Courthouse
- Discuss the County’s next move on Flood Plain Violation
- The sale of County owned property.
- Procurement process for term contracts.
- Grant applications for County employees
9:00 Maintenance- Lorie Jett
- Courthouse & County buildings maintenance
9:30 Road Department
- Public comments on Coal Board Grant Environmental Evaluation of mower and side arms.
- Public comment on the alteration of #4 Road as petitioned.
- Estimates for FEMA concerning low water crossing.
- Add for road position comes out this week.
- Beginning spring maintenance program where conditions are suitable.
10:00 Sheriff
- Impound building.
10:30 Accounting
11:00 DES
- Public Comment for Coal Board Grant Environmental Evaluation of heating materials for Hawk Creek VFD.
11:30 Ambulance
12:00 LUNCH
1:30 Public comment Coal Board Grant Environmental Evaluation for the purchase of equipment or planning activities for Roundup Memorial Hospital.
2:00 Fisher Technology/IT/Jeffery& Chris
Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.
- Decide and vote on sponsoring the Road Department in going for a Coal Board Grant for a new mower and 2 side arms.
- Decide and vote on sponsoring Hawk Creek VFD in going for a Coal Board Grant for heating materials in their new building.
- Decide and vote on sponsoring Roundup Memorial Hospital in going for a Coal Board Grant for the purchase of planning or equipment.
- Sign the Coal Impact Grant Application Form for a new mower and 2 side arms submitted by the Road Department.
- Sign the Coal Impact Grant Application Form for heating materials in a new building submitted by Hawk Creek VFD.
- Sign the Coal Impact Grant Application Form for the purchase of planning or equipment submitted by Roundup Memorial Hospital.
- Sign the Letter Determining there is no Environmental Impact on the Coal Board Grant for new mower and 2 side arms for the Road Department.
- Sign the Letter Determining there is no Environmental Impact on the Coal Board Grant for heating materials for the new building for Hawk Creek VFD.
- Sign the Letter Determining there is no Environmental Impact on the Coal Board Grant for planning or equipment submitted by Roundup Memorial Hospital.
3:45 Firstcall/IT/Megan
Meeting Closed
Last modified: July 30, 2019