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Commissioner’s Agenda April 22, 2019

April 18, 2019



 8:30                 Call to order.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Commissioner Board information/Legislative Bill watch

Old Business

  1. Wells Fargo
  2. Hail Damage to County property/Extension, Fairgrounds
  3. Steps at the Courthouse
  4. Discuss the County’s next move on Flood Plain Violation
  5. The sale of County owned property.
  6. Procurement process for term contracts.
  7. Grant applications for County employees

9:00                 Maintenance- Lorie Jett

  1. Courthouse & County buildings maintenance

9:30                 Road Department

  1. Public comments on Coal Board Grant Environmental Evaluation of mower and side arms.
  2. Public comment on the alteration of #4 Road as petitioned.
  3. Estimates for FEMA concerning low water crossing.
  4. Add for road position comes out this week.
  5. Beginning spring maintenance program where conditions are suitable.

10:00               Sheriff

  1. Impound building.

10:30               Accounting

11:00               DES

  1. Public Comment for Coal Board Grant Environmental Evaluation of heating materials for Hawk Creek VFD.

11:30               Ambulance

 12:00               LUNCH

1:30                 Public comment Coal Board Grant Environmental Evaluation for the purchase of equipment or planning activities for Roundup Memorial Hospital.

2:00                 Fisher Technology/IT/Jeffery& Chris


Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the                     Commission that is not on the agenda 

All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.

  1. Decide and vote on sponsoring the Road Department in going for a Coal Board Grant for a new mower and 2 side arms.
  2. Decide and vote on sponsoring Hawk Creek VFD in going for a Coal Board Grant for heating materials in their new building.
  3. Decide and vote on sponsoring Roundup Memorial Hospital in going for a Coal Board Grant for the purchase of planning or equipment.
  4. Sign the Coal Impact Grant Application Form for a new mower and 2 side arms submitted by the Road Department.
  5. Sign the Coal Impact Grant Application Form for heating materials in a new building submitted by Hawk Creek VFD.
  6. Sign the Coal Impact Grant Application Form for the purchase of planning or equipment submitted by Roundup Memorial Hospital.
  7. Sign the Letter Determining there is no Environmental Impact on the Coal Board Grant for new mower and 2 side arms for the Road Department.
  8. Sign the Letter Determining there is no Environmental Impact on the Coal Board Grant for heating materials for the new building for Hawk Creek VFD.
  9. Sign the Letter Determining there is no Environmental Impact on the Coal Board Grant for planning or equipment submitted by Roundup Memorial Hospital.


3:45                 Firstcall/IT/Megan


Meeting Closed

Last modified: July 30, 2019

Comments are closed.