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Commissioners agenda August 28. 2017

August 24, 2017



Public comments on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission


9:30        No one will be meeting with the Commissioners on the 28th from road Department. We will come in on Sept. 5, 2017


  1. Unfortunately due to lack of moisture we are behind in prepping our gravel base bus routes. The drivers will just have to allow extra time to go slow on the washboards.   Once we get sufficient moisture we will hit them.


Hot mix repair cont., as well as Muss Shop addition.


10:00     Sheriff

10:30     Accounting

11:00     DES

11:30     Conference call with Servpro

12:00     Lunch





3:00        County Business

Public comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda.

All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.

  1. Discuss and/or approve the $23,467 for SCBA’s taken out of the emergency plan fund.
  2. Review and approve Resolution 2017-17 naming the show cover area at the fairgrounds the “Joe & Delores Kombol arena”.
  3. Review and approve the contract for professional management services agreement between Musselshell County and Snowy Mountain Development allowing SMD to prepare, submit and present a project proposal to the Montana Coal Board for funds for road improvements.
  4. Review and approve the contract for professional management services agreement between Musselshell County and Snowy Mountain Development allowing SMD to prepare, submit and present a project proposal to the Montana Coal Board for road department equipment.
  5. Review and approve the contract for professional management services agreement between Roundup Memorial Hospital c/o Musselshell County and Snowy Mountain Development allowing SMD to prepare, submit and present a project proposal to the Montana Coal Board for Roundup Memorial Hospital Equipment.
  6. Make a decision regarding purchasing the Panther Den.
  7. Make a decision on rather or not to go with Brownsfield or to encase the asbestosis.


4:00        County Attorney



Last modified: December 13, 2017

Comments are closed.