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Commissioner’s Agenda Feb 25, 2019

February 21, 2019



8:30                 Call to order.

  1. Pledge of Allegiance
  2. Approval of Agenda
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Commissioner Board information/Legislative Bill watch
  5. Old Business
  6. Wells Fargo
  7. Bids for Extension Office.
  8. Storage in Courtroom
  9. Steps at the Courthouse

9:00                 Maintenance- Lorie Jett

  1. Courthouse & County buildings maintenance
  2. Heat in the Courthouse

9:30                 Road Department

  1. #4 alteration. Letter from County Attorney for interest in the Jensen property.
  2. FEMA: 4H, Melstone-Custer, Ragged Point and fairgrounds
  3. BARSSA funds.  Sign resolution at 3:00
  4. Pump replacement
  5. MDT/Major collectors/FEMA/County, Spring MACo meeting.

10:00               Sheriff

                                a.   Impound building.

                                b.   Grants to pursue.

10:30               Accounting

11:00               DES

11:30               EMT

  1. Ambulance barn roof

12:00               LUNCH

1:00                 Brian Johnson and Matt Hubbard/Commons



2:30                 Commissioner Borner to American Title & Escrow


Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the                     Commission that is not on the agenda 

            All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.

  1. Discuss and vote on hiring an Engineering firm for Central Common’s structural issues.   
  2. Discuss the letter from the Roundup Mesa Landowners Association regarding their By Laws.
  3. Discuss and sign the Oil & Gas Lease from 1889 Energy Group, LLC for various properties in Musselshell County.
  4. Review and sign Resolution 2019-12 Requesting Distribution of Local Government Road Construction and Maintenance Match Program Funds.
  5. Vote on Selling County Owned Properties. 1. Park Addition, Block 3, The West Half of Lots 1 & 2, 2. 2nd Addition to Roundup, Block 3, Lots 7 & 8,       3. Townsite of Melstone, Block 18, Lots 4, 5 & 6 and Tract 3 of COS 1973-1 in Section 33, T-11-N, R-31-E.
  6. Sign Resolution 2019-13 Regarding the Investigation of Cameron Road.
  7. Discuss and vote on the Musselshell County Commissioner’s preserving the audio and recorded meetings for availability to the public.
  8. Discuss and vote on having MACo provide training regarding the proper and professional way to treat County Officials and employees.
  9. Sign Certificate of Survey 2019-2RB for Lots 33A, 34A, 35A & 36A in Section 20, T-8-N, R-26-E submitted by James and Holly Nelson.
  10. Sign Certificate of Survey 2019-3 Cutters Corner Minor Subdivision Tracts 1 & 2 of the S1/2 of the SE1/4 of Section 20, T-6-N, R-24-E submitted by Tim Rogers.

Meeting Closed.

Last modified: March 4, 2019

Comments are closed.