8:30 Call to order.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Commissioner Board information
- Community Builders Grant
- Old Business
- County owned property not in the FEMA mitigation.
- Central Common’s maintenance issues.
- Wells Fargo
- Bids for Extension Office.
- Storage in Courtroom
- Steps at the Courthouse
- Damaged wiring on Courthouse
9:00 Maintenance- Lorie Jett
- Courthouse & County buildings maintenance
- Heat in the Courthouse
- Keys for Commons
- Work at the County Complex
9:30 Road Department
- Take Public Comment on an EA issues to replace Farrel Bridge.
- 3:00 business for Commissioners. Resolution to Declare Farrel Bridge Grant a categorical “replacement” if there are no environmental concerns at the 9:30 road meeting and also sign the Certification for the Grant.
- #4 altercations: watch for worksheets for #4 and 4H Rds. FEMA worksheets to use our Federal Emergency Declaration money to repair. Submit#4 Rd. Petition for altercation and abandonment.
- Pump replacement. They came and built molds for the bases. S & K canceled cement pour Wed. because of snow.
- Submit road department job description.
10:15 Sheriff
- Impound building.
- Grants to pursue.
10:30 Accounting
- Go over Coal Board Grants
11:00 DES
- Fishing Access negotiations
- Usage and maintenance of County FEMA properties
- Fire Policy
11:30 EMT
- Dispatch move
- Ambulance barn roof
- Check in system for purchases
12:00 LUNCH
1:00 Greg Benjamin/Stahly Engineering/Commons
Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.
- Review the Renewal Application for 2019-2020 submitted by Montana Association of Counties.
- Review the 2019-2020 PCT Renewal Schedule Acknowledgement Form submitted by MACo.
- Review the Workers’ Compensation Agent Appointment and Agreement submitted by MACo
- Discuss and vote on hiring an Engineering firm for Central Common’s structural issues.
- Approve and sign Ordinance 2019-1 for Fees to go with the Burning Permits.
- Approve and sign the Encroachment Permit for a cattle guard in Section 32, T-11-N, R-31-E, Keg Coulee Rd. submitted by Matt Roen.
- Approve and sign the Record of Negotiations for Architectural and Engineering Services for the Roundup County City Airport AIP Grant 3-30-0066-014-2019 submitted by Interstate Engineering, Inc.
- Approve and sign Resolution 2019-10 to accept the Determination that a Categorical Exclusion is Appropriate for the Farrel Street Bridge Project.
- Approve and sign the Certification for the Coal Impact Application for the Farrel Bridge Project.
- Review and sign the Coal Impact Grant Environmental Assessment for the Farrel Street Bridge Project.
- Review and sign the Uniform Application Form for Montana Public Facility Projects for Bridge Replacement Project.
- Appoint Derin Gebhardt to the Elected Official Salary Compensation Board
- 4:00
Last modified: March 4, 2019