8:30 Call to order.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Approval of Agenda
- Approval of minutes
- Commissioner Board information
- Old Business
- County owned property not in the FEMA mitigation.
- Central Common’s maintenance issues.
- Wells Fargo
- Bids for Extension Office.
- Storage in Courtroom
- Steps at the Courthouse
- Damaged wiring on Courthouse
9:00 Maintenance- Lorie Jett
- Courthouse & County buildings maintenance
- Heat in the Courthouse
- Keys for Commons
- Work at the County Complex
- Mower/snow remover manual
9:30 Road Department
- Pedrazzi’s will be in to discuss the re-rout of #4 Road.
- Discuss draft letter to the public informing them of #4 relocation and possible flooding this spring.
- Submit 2018 road report by Supervisor Stockert.
- Pump replacement should begin on 1-7-19 and weather permitting be done by the end of the week.
- Submit suggestions to make amendments to the policy manual.
- New road grader after loan is paid off.
- Presidential Declaration disaster items.
10:00 Sheriff
- Impound building.
- Grants to pursue.
10:30 Accounting
- Master list of County credit cards that are out
- Go over Coal Board Grants
11:00 DES
- Fishing Access negotiations
- Usage and maintenance of County FEMA properties
- Fire Policy
11:30 EMT
- Dispatch move
- Ambulance barn roof
- Check in system for purchases
12:00 LUNCH
Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.
- Discuss and decide on hiring an Attorney for probate for the #4 Road relocation.
- Review the Renewal Application for 2019-2020 submitted by Montana Association of Counties.
- Review the 2019-2020 PCT Renewal Scheduled Acknowledgement Form Submitted by MACo.
- Discuss Central Common’s structural issues.
- Approve and sign the 22 Encroachment Permits for bore crossings and parallel lines for various properties in Musselshell County submitted by Mid-Rivers Telephone Cooperative. (These have been approved by Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert.)
- Review and sign the Inter-Local Agreement between the Montana Department of Justice, Motor Vehicle Division and Musselshell County.
Last modified: March 4, 2019