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Commissioners agenda July 24, 2017

July 20, 2017


Public Comments on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission

9:30 Road Department Official Agenda July 24, 2017

1. Discuss ongoing encroachment issues.

2. Personnel issue.

3. Open bids for used loader.

4. Discuss Accident Investigation Policy for our manual.

5. We have been doing more fire support.

Cement culvert placement on Four Mile is done. Equipment maintenance in shop.

10:00 Sheriff

10:30 Accounting

11:00 DES



1:00 Mark Qualman/Quest Service Corp.

1:30 Collaborative Design/ Mark Qualman



Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the

Commission that is not on the agenda.

All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.

1. Sign the memorandum of Understanding from the Montana Wool Growers Association Predator Control Fund for $1,239.00.

2. Decide on offering $70,000.00 to the Roundup Central School District for the purchase of the Panther Den.

3. Discuss employee vacation days.

4. Discuss Complaint Conclusion.

5. Discuss the Policy Amendment regarding Employee public statements.

6. Discuss adding a 2nd work day to the Commissioners schedule.

7. Sign Stahly’s Engineering Agreement for the Delphia Bridge.

8. Sign Certificate of Survey 2017-5, in the W2W2 of Section 21, Township 7 North, Range 26 East, submitted by Gil and Julie Majerus.

9. Sign the Contract between Mussleshell County and Collaborative Design for the Senior Facility/Central School.

10. Review and sign Encroachment Application for and approach in Section 7, T-8-N, R-27-E, submitted by Christopher Hamilton.



3:30 Brad Howell/Roundup Memorial Hosp./ FY Budget
4:00 County Attorney



Last modified: December 13, 2017

Comments are closed.