9:30 Road Department Agenda July 9, 2018
- Submit wording & map for proposed route change of #4 Rd. and abandonment of area that keeps flooding after construction of new route is complete.
- Submit copies of Bridge submittals to the MDT Off System Bridge Nomination for 2018. Farreltown/Klein, Goffena and Delphia
- Discuss signs, horse and buggy on #4.
- Discuss residents speed on Goulding Cr. and total lack of consideration for operators, equipment and signs.
As of 7-5-18 4-H road still had water crossing it so it is still closed.
The plan is to Install big culvert on Ragged Pt., install cattle guard on Fattig Cr., and keep blading roads
10:00 Sheriff
10:30 Accounting & DES
11:00 Weed Dept.-Open Bids
11:30- 2:30 Commissioners on Colony Road.
3:00 Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the
Commission that is not on the agenda.
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.
- Review and sign the memorandum of understanding between Snowy Mountain Development Corporation and Musselshell County in regards to writing of a Coal Board grand for a road grader.
- Review and sign the Maternal Child Health Block Grant Match agreement between Riverstone Health and Musselshell County.
- Review and sign the agreement between Musselshell County and Riverstone Health to provide prenatal, postpartum, and pediatric/maternal and child health services in Musselshell County.
- Review and sign the Memorandum of Understanding between Yellowstone County and Musselshell County.
- Review and sign Technology Contract for Services between Roundup Public Schools and Musselshell County.
- Approve the necessary modifications for the Food Bank in order for them to become legal with the State of Montana.
Last modified: March 4, 2019