9:15 Joe Mattern/Horsetheif Road
9:30 Road Department Official Agenda May 29th, 2018
- River washouts and prevention are our priority right now
10:00 Sheriff
10:30 Accounting/Victim Witness/-Budget review
10:45 Justice of the Peace/Budget review
11:00 DES/Carson FEMA PDMC
11:30 Public Comment on Environmental Impact for a new call system and bed replacement project at Roundup Memorial Healthcare.
12:00 Lunch
1:00 Mark Qualman/Brian Johnson/Commons/Jail structural findings
2:00 Ambulance/Budget review
2:15 Airport/Budget review
2:30 Safety Committee/Budget Review
2:45 Weed Department/Budget Review
Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the
Commission that is not on the agenda.
All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.
- Discuss and vote on a Lease/Rent/Use Agreement for the Musselshell County Central Commons.
- Declare that there is no Environmental Impact for the Coal Board Grant for a new call system and bed replacement project at Roundup Memorial Healthcare.
- Approve and sign the official offer letter from Musselshell County for the Musselshell River Acquisition Project to Charles & Irene Carson.
- Approve and sign the Encroachment Permit for an approach in Section 7, T-9-N, R-29-E, 4 Mile Road submitted by Oren ‘Joe” Ford.
- Sign the Zoning Compliance form for a gravel pit in Section 9, T-10-N, R-31-E, 3 miles North of the HWY 500 and HWY 12 Junction submitted by Oftedal Construction.
- Review and sign the Future Fisheries Improvement Program Grant Application for the Davis Mine Reclamation and Musselshell River Restoration.
4:00 Interview
Last modified: March 4, 2019