April 27, 2020
The meeting was called to order at 8:45 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Carlson was present.
No public was present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the minutes from the May 20, 2020 meeting. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson did not have any board meetings. The Refuse meeting is on April 28, 2020.
Commissioner Borner had a conference call with the Mental health Board. They are having trouble staying afloat during this difficult time. There were also calls with MACo and MSU Local Government with updates.
E-mails are out to Mark Qualman and Casey Stone regarding work at the Extension Office and fairgrounds.
We are moving forward with the Floodplain Violations and #4 Emergency Only Route.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The reopening of the Courthouse was discussed and a plan was made for social distancing. The work at the Extension Office done by Stone Construction was discussed, there is a wire on the ground in the garage and the East side roof is not tacked down. Not a good job of cleaning up.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Secretary Kenner is on leave. People have been driving on the work at the low water crossing that was done at 4-H Road. They are going to put up barriers and signs that say foot access only. Mr. Stockert is going to be meeting with the Cultural Resources guy today to discuss the Alan Goffena gravel site.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Opening the Courthouse and social distancing practices were discussed.
DES Coordinator Harper and Fire Warden Russell gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The Request for Public Assistance (RPA) was submitted for FEMA for COVID-19 but they are unsure of what we will be qualified for at this time. Mr. Russell is working on the burn permit to submit to the County Attorney. The Remington Road fire investigation is complete. COVID-19 updates were given to the Commissioners.
Treasurer Hetrick met with the Commissioners to go over some audit issues and discuss the Ag Grant money for the Weed Department.
Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners to discuss a budget amendment. Mr. Solberg will be having a meeting of the TV District Fees and will make recommendations to the Commissioners regarding changes.
Item #1 to vote on members of the Election Audit Committee was tabled by Commissioner Carlson until there are enough people willing to be on the board. Commissioner Borner seconded Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review and sign the Notice of Award and Construction Agreement between Musselshell County and Knife River for the Airport Pavement Rehabilitation project in the amount of $4,378,216.15 submitted by Interstate Engineering. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried
Last modified: May 29, 2020