August 25, 2023 Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Turley. Commissioner Pancratz and Commissioner Goffena were present.
Dan Main, Dave and Wendy Shreeve were also present for a discussion regarding the new business of appointing members to the New Middle Musselshell County Water District. Clerk and Recorder Tomassi gave the Commissioner the Certificate of Election that was completed after the election canvass that was done on Thursday August 24, 2023 by Sheriff Lesnik, Clerk of Court Halverson and Treasurer Hetrick. Ms. Tomassi has already sent everything to the State. The Commissioners will be visiting with County Attorney Larsen regarding the procedure for appointing the board but they are pretty sure it will be done by Resolution in the near future.
(County Attorney Larsen suggested having a “Public Comment” time before the appointments are made)
Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Goffena attended the Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast Monday August 21, 2023.
The County received a letter from the Montana Department of Administration who reviewed the Counties audit report from our Denning & Downing Associates, congratulating us on being compliant. Kudos to CFO Kirk and Treasurer Hetrick for working so diligently on this.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Jett will be looking for different air conditions for the Courthouse. The concrete on the south side of the courthouse will be worked on hopefully within the next 3 weeks. They will be checking on the price for TRUGREEN for the Commons.
CFO Kirk met with the Commissioner to go over the budgets and budget amendments.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There still has been no applications for the Deputy or the jailer positions. The budget was discussed.
County Attorney Larsen visited with the Commissioners. There will be a public meeting regarding the appointment of the Middle Musselshell County Water District Board. Also discussed was the parking issue at the old Central School.
DES Director Russell and Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert met with the Commissioners. Mr. Stockert wanted the Commissioners to know that the dozer is down. Mr. Russell let them know that if there would be a fire he would be asking for mutual aid from other Counties for a dozer. Mr. Stockert also told the Commissioners of his concern regarding the grade of Goffena Road is going to be once the bridge goes in. Mr. Russell gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The UTV is at Dean Creek VFD. The Shuttle bus should be coming soon. There was one new address this week. There was one large haystack fire also.
Ambulance Director Solberg gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Solberg met with Morrison and Maierle regarding the new phone systems for the Courthouse. They will have a price by next week. Split unit air conditioners for the Courthouse were discussed.
Kathy Eike with the Melstone Pool visited with the Commissioners regarding the fund raiser for a splash pad at the pool for the younger children. The Community has gone out for estimates but have not received it back yet. The Commissioner told Ms. Eike to visit with them again after the estimate comes in and they will possibly make a donation.
There was no public comment for the Budget Amendments.
No Public Comment.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-42 changing the Commissioners Claim day. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-43 approving the wage increases for Fiscal Year 2023/2024. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-44 accepting the funds for the Musselshell County Salt Cedar Weed Project. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to for Commissioner Pancratz to sign the Letter to the DNRC for the Judith Rural Water Project. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign The State of Montana Invoice for services by GreatWest for Grant Agreement AM-23-0192 Musselshell Judith Rural Water Project Phase 4. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to award Blue Mountain Construction the bid for the Maintenance storage shed. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-45 Appointing Special Deputy County Attorney Burt Hurwitz. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign the Corrected Agricultural Covenant in Section 1, Township 6 North, Range 28 East, Tract 1 of Certificate of Survey 2023-7 submitted by David F & Melissa Ann Turley. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Ken Stahl from Flatwillow met with the Commissioners regarding residents speeding on Colony Road. The Commissioners told them to come to the September 5, 2023 Road Department meeting and discuss it with Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert.
There being no further business Commissioner Goffena made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Last modified: September 6, 2023