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Commissioners December 16, 2019 Minutes

December 23, 2019

December 16, 2019

The meeting was called at order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson were present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the December 9, 2019 minutes. Commissioner Berry wanted it clarified that on December 5, 2019 for the 4:30 meeting with the Department of Administration and Robert Denning, he had a scheduling conflict and did not know how long the previous meeting was going to last. Commissioner Borner said at the December 2, 2019 meeting we discussed Thursday and all Commissioners agreed, this County should come first and he could have picked another day for our meeting. Commissioner Berry said the prior commitment with the Attorney General supersedes the meeting. Commissioner Borner asked the question all in favor? Commissioner Carlson said aye. Commissioner Borner said aye. All opposed? Commissioner Berry said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson did not have any board meeting this week but did attend the Elected Official training and said it was very helpful and they are now encouraging all elected officials new or seasoned to attend the trainings.

Commissioner Berry did not have any board meetings this week.

Commissioner Borner did not attend any board meeting this week but did go to the Coal Board meeting on December 12, 2019. The Sheriff’s Office was awarded $45,000.00 for the PAR (Preliminary Architectural Report) for a new impound building and the Hospital was awarded $85,000.00 for the match for the DLA Grant for the H-Vac and equipment installation. Commissioner Borner said that they have a new system and will be ranked on priority after the award. There is not going to be a lot left for the next ask.   Commissioner Borner visited with Cathy Barta from Snowy Mountain Development regarding the Farmers Union Building cleanup not being followed through. Greg Reid from WWC engineering is helping to see if when they do the FEMA abatement, maybe they can do it also.

Commissioner Carlson has not heard back for Attorney Swimmley regarding assisting with the #4 Road alteration. The question was brought up from MACo to possibly hire a Civil Attorney full time to help relieve County Attorney Peterson with his work load.   The Commissioners would need a breakdown of that workload and request the amount of civil cases he had worked on to budget in next year. This position would answer to the Commissioners. Commissioner Borner said they go over the budget as a work session to figure everything out with the budgets and milled levies. Commissioner Carlson said they also suggested to have a County Financial Advisory Committee that will allow the public in for review and suggestions. Maybe with changes they could possibly hire a full time CFO to help with issues and items.   Commissioner Borner said Mr. Denning has received some information and is starting to work on the 2016/2017 audits. Commissioner Borner asked the Commissioners to look at the user agreements or hold harmless agreements for County facilities so they can come to an agreement on updating them.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners and told them that she is going to be working at the County Complex to attach some shelves to the walls that fell over.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners Mr. Stockert said he visited with True North Steel and they now have County approved pre-built bridges that could work for some of the smaller bridges that are going to need replaced. Ms. Kenner supplied the updated Capital Improvement List for the Commissioners. Signal Peak mine working under Fattig Creek Road was discussed. There will be flyers going out. A resident put roadside material on a County road and it caused a big problem. They are continuing the Johnson Road project today.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There is only 1 inmate in the jail at this time. Nothing else to report.

DES Coordinators Harper and Fisher gave their weekly reports to the Commissioners. There was an award letter signed regarding the award to WHC for the FEMA buyout demolition bid. Safe-tec is beginning the abatement on the properties this week once the permits are acquired.

County Agent Fosjord gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Fosjord gave the Commissioners a 2019 Ag update & winter readiness flyer. Florin’s Service is going to give Ms. Fosjord a sample of clean dirt for the horse barn and get her an estimate. Eliasson Electric is looking at the lighting in the building.

Public comment:

Dave Liggett was present and asked if there is going to be a system put into effect to tract the tax districts to make sure they are fully funded? Commissioner Borner said she wasn’t aware the entities weren’t getting funded and they will add that to the working session to make sure they are doing the cash reconciliations for every fund monthly.

End of public comments

Item #1 to donate for use, or put up for sale (again) the Melstone property was tabled after discussion. Both Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson think we should donate but Commissioner Borner would like to make sure there will not be a burden to the foundation.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review and sign the Encroachment Permit for an approach on Dean Creek Road. Section 17, T-5-N, R-25-E, submitted by Patrick & Velma Bulcher. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried. The encroachment has been approved by Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to discuss and vote on creating a County Financial Advisory Committee. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Commissioner Carlson said that this was recommended when he was at the Elected Official Training to have the public assist in reviews of budgets, audits and plans and will provide insight and they can voice their concerns. They could meet quarterly or bi-monthly, have 1person from each Commissioners district and 1 from each municipality with hopefully some financial background, an administrative assistant and 1 Commissioner. Commissioner Borner said she likes the idea of getting more people involved and possibly more projects to enhance economic development. Anytime the public can understand the process is good. Commissioner Carlson asked Commissioner Berry if he had any thoughts? Commissioner Berry said no. Commissioner Borner asked if Commissioner Carlson had a timeline? Commissioner Carlson will try to get the info out at the first of the year to possibly have the first meeting mid-March to have it in place for the budget. Commissioner Borner asked the question all in favor? Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried. Commissioner Borner is assigning Commissioner Carlson to get the Committee started.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.


Last modified: March 10, 2020

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