February 12, 2021
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Pancratz was present. Commissioner Turley was absent due to weather.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the agenda after adding following the Central Montana Health Districts advice on the Mask Mandate. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the minutes from the February 5, 2021 meeting. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. The minutes from the February 1, 2021 Road Department meeting were also approved.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Jett is worried about a heater that is being left on all night long and would like the Commissioners to tell the employee that it should be turned off when they leave and she will turn it on when they get there at 5:00 AM. The boiler for the Courthouse shut down twice during the cold weather because there were rocks in the coal.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There will be a meeting with WWC Engineering on February 17, 2021 at the sheriff’s office, for the impound building that Mr. Lesnik would like the Commissioners to attend. They may also talk about an exercise area for inmates. They are going to sell the Charger to Golden Valley County.
Greg Benjamin and Adam Hagel with Stahly Engineering met with the Commissioners to introduce themselves and give an update on what Stahly has been doing. The Goffena Bridge is being designed by MDT and Dowl Engineering, but Stahly is administering the TSEP grant that is helping fund the project. Quarterly reports and financial documentation are required. For the Farrell Street Bridge, they are waiting on environmental permits for construction. The bridge has been deemed historic by Montana SHPO and the Army Corp. of Engineers so there must be mitigations measures in place for removal.
DES Coordinator Harper gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Burning is now open. 2 addresses were assigned last week. There needs to be a Planning Board meeting.
County Agent Solf gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Solf gave the Commissioners the agenda for the February 16, 2021 Fair Board meeting and the MSU regional review printout. We will be looking for something the Commissioner of 2011 signed for the ballfield at the Fairgrounds related to the 2011 flood.
Secretary Hagstrom was absent for the afternoon.
Public Comment for the Budget Amendments.
There was no public comment.
Public comment for 3:00 business.
Dave Ponte, Kenneth Davis and Lura Pitman were present.
There was a discussion regarding using the Roundup Herald as “the” paper of record. The Commissioner will try using both of the papers for a little bit.
End of public comment.
Item # 1 to review and discuss the Roundup Non-federal/2022-loan and Grant letter from the Montana Department of Transportation Aeronautics Division was tabled until they can get more information.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to review and sign Resolution 2021-9 for budget amendments for the following funds:
2172.430300.330 Airport FAA Grant Pub/Dues $ 2,217.60
2172.430300.930 Airport FAA Grant IMP $792,311.90
2182.420340.357 JUV SRVC Admin Fee $ 6,200.00
2264.430200.300 Big Buyout Purchase SRV $ 975.10
2264.430200.390 Big Buyout PUR SER $254,647.35
2345.420400.390 VFA/RFA Grant $ 15,279.41
2800.440500.357 Alcohol Rehab Admin Fee $ 12,196.00
2821.430201.221 BARSAA $ 58,011.40
2840.431100.220 Weed Grant $ 19,263.50
2919.431100.250 Helicopter Grant Chemicals $ 18,778.75
2919.431100.360 Helicopter Grant Repair $ 23,660.50
2940.440220.700 Hospital Grant $ 30,880.64
2973.440170.300 MCH CARE Purchase SRV $ 4,351.98
3200.510300.110 EMP Payoff Salary $ 2,309.53
3200.510300.140 EMP Payoff SSI $ 143.19
3200.510300.141 EMP Payoff Unemployment $ 5.77
3200.510300.142 EMP Payoff Workers Comp $ 120.23
3200.510300.144 EMP Payoff Medicare $ 33.49
3200.510300.145 EMP Payoff PERS $ 31.21
3200.510300.145 EMP Payoff SRS $ 255.68
4010.411200.390 CAPIMP GEN Other Purch SRV $ 10,335.50
4010.411200.900 CAPIMP GEN Cap Outlay $ 32,894.64
4030.420100.940 CAPIMP Sheriff Mach/Equip $ 14,500.00
4040.420401.220 CAPIMP Fire County FD $ 5,200.00
4040.420402.220 CAPIMP Fire HCVFD $ 5,200.00
4040.420403.220 CAPIMP Fire MVFD $ 5,200.00
4040.420404.220 CAPIMP Fire BMVFD $ 5,200.00
4040.420405.220 CAPIMP Fire DCVFD $ 5,200.00
4042.420400.940 Fire MVFD $ 18,444.40
4060.411202.940 CAPIMP COMPLX $ 8,178.00
4080.431100.940 CAPIMP Weed $ 95,000.00
4401.411030.300 Senior Service Grant $ 184.99
4805.430200.940 MFLAP $330,115.23
1000.411860.540 Taxes County Owned Prop $ 4,241.34
1000.411870.300 Tax Deed Process/Prch SRV $ 1,198.60
1000.411870.330 Tax Deed Process/Pub/Dues $ 2,613.60
1000.410580.355 IT Support $ 10,081.72
Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to consider using the Roundup Herald as a “Paper of Record”. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to review and sign the Encroachment Permit for an approach on Big Clearing Road in Section 9, Township 6 North, Range 26 East, submitted by Montana Frontier Sandstone. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to review and sign Certificate of Survey 2021-1RB for Section 13, Township 7 North, Range 25 East, to relocate the common boundary of 4 existing tracts of record to create 2 parcels to be used solely for agricultural purposes. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Last modified: April 22, 2021