January 10th, 2025
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Pancratz. Commissioner Goffena and Commissioner Turley were present. Minutes were taken by Garilynn Rapp.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Turley seconded. Motion carried.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve the Minutes from January 3rd, 2025. Commissioner Goffena seconded. Motion carried.
No Public Comment on the Business items below:
- Commissioner Turley made the motion to Review and sign Resolution 2025-4 setting the Travel and Meal Reimbursement rates for FY 24/25. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion, motion carried.
- Commissioner Turley made the motion to Review sign Montana Main Street Draw #1 to cover part of the costs for Wier Building temporary roof. Commissioner Goffena 2nd the motion, motion carried.
- Commissioner Goffena made the motion to Review and sign the Airport Environmental CATEX for the installation of the vertical lift pivot gate submitted by KLJ. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
- Commissioner Turley made the motion to Review and sign the Subgrant App from Snowy Mountain Development. Commissioner Goffena 2nd the motion, motion carried.
Theresa Doumitt met with the Commissioners to review Montana Main Street Grant process working with the City of Roundup for the Wier Building.
County Agent Cooley gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They discussed getting the water turned on at the Fairgrounds for the upcoming Bull Sale. Reviewed Extension Office training schedule and upcoming events. On February 12th Musselshell County Extension Office, partnered with Yellowstone County Extension for a Winter Lecture Series featuring different topics AG related, to be held in Billings.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. With the Sheriff’s Department being contracted with the City of Roundup, for the purpose of enforcement of City Ordinances, the department will be issuing citations of City Ordinance violations. Musselshell County has the third fastest growth rate of all Montana Counties and yet, have experienced 184 less calls than last year. The department will be hiring a new Communications Officer.
DES Director Justin Russell gave the DES update to the Commissioners. The department is focused on Fire Mitigation. The State is pursuing an 8-million-dollar grant. DES is preparing for the upcoming prescribed fires. The EMPG Grant is closed out and is waiting for final reimbursement. The Dept has applied for a new Dept of Homeland security grant for the West side. Burning is open. Next Fire Council meeting will be in March.
Treasurer Hetrick reviewed the December 2024 balancing and 4th Quarter Reports with the Commissioners. She also reviewed the upcoming deadlines for tax deed property.
CFO Kirk met with the Commissioners.
Public Comment:
Ron Trible Jr, Ron Trible Sr, and Lisa Melhouse came in to review the Petition for Jennings Road to become a County Road. The Commissioners confirmed that the Petition meets all requirements, and Public Notice will continue throughout the next week and will be reviewed again on Friday January 24th at 3:00 PM.
With no Further Business to discuss, Commissioner Turley made the Motion to adjourn, Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion, motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 3:12 PM.
Last modified: January 22, 2025