January 17, 2025 Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Pancratz. Commissioner Goffena and Commissioner Turley were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
County Attorney Krakowka was present.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the agenda for the day. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve the minutes from the January 10, 2025 meeting as written. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There was no Public Comment.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to table item #1 to: Review and sign Certificate of Survey 2025-2RB in Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 25 East creating tracts 1, 2A, 2B, 3 and 4 submitted by West Razor Creek Ranch, LLC until he can do some research. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to table item #2 to: Review and sign the Agriculture Covenant for Tract 2A of Certificate of Survey 2025-1RB situated in Section 9, Township 5 North, Range 25, East submitted by West Razor Creek Ranch, LLC until he could do some research. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign the Letter to the Project Manager of the Federal Aviation Administration for Task Order 2405-01134-01 for Professional Services and Record Negotiations submitted by KLJ Engineering. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to sign Task Order 2405-01134-01 for Professional Services submitted by KLJ. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign the letter of support to the Coal Board for a Grant for the purchase of a used water truck submitted by the Musselshell County Road Department. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to sign the Purchase Agreement, Bill of Sale and Easement from Mid-Rivers for a repeater site in Section 6, Township 6 North, Range 29 East. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Turley attended a Refuse Board meeting on Tuesday January 14, 2025. They will be visiting the pay scale for employees. They also need to get a small shed or building for the Musselshell site worker.
Commissioner Pancratz and Commissioner Goffena attended the LEPC meeting on January 14, 2025. It was a good meeting as always. They are going to be applying for a grant for a West repeater. The East repeater is all repaired and working well Melstone VFD needs a new building and may be able to use Fire Council funds.
All Commissioners attended the Wier RFP meeting on Tuesday January 14, 2025 for the grant for the roof project.
On Wednesday January 15, 2025 the Commissioners met with a Troy Downing representative Quinton Winsted.
Fairgrounds caretaker Will Donahue met with the Commissioner regarding the bull sale this weekend. The water has been turned on in the 4H Barn and it needs to be heated. Commissioner Turley called Gary Eliasson and Mr. Eliasson is going to get some heaters in the building.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Medication for inmates was addressed. There was a wind turbine that was too big to turn the corner on Main Street which took some time to resolve. They are going to be placing an ad for a communications Officer.
DES coordinator rook gave the weekly report to the Commissioners. They are still working on the Swift Current grant and are going to have the offer to Mark Petrie on the Agenda for Commissioners signature next week. There were no new addresses this week.
Ken Naylor met with the Commissioners to let them know that he will be bringing in information on some legislative rulings they should know about.
There was a Department Head Meeting during lunch.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert was present. He is feeling well and on the road to recovery. He has been in constant contact with Secretary Newman and the Commissioners while he has been away. The Goffena Bridge is doing good. They have graveled 11 miles of Hawk Creek Road. They are still working on phase 2 of the water pipes to Melstone. Kirk Construction has been great to work with. The project has been a little delayed because of water pipe leaks. They have 3 new employees being trained but they are learning and doing well. They are trying to stretch out the sand while working on roads. They are going to put in for a Coal Board grant for a used water truck, but it might be delayed because of the California Fires.
County Attorney Krakowka gave his report. He is moving in and trying to get his feet under him with the transition. He is planning on doing a lot more jury trials.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his report. He gave a speech at the Women’s Club at the Museum where he said the future of the County looks bright. Everyone is working together. The Sheriff Office is doing well and has a stable staff. They are trying to get another Communications Officer.
DES Coordinator Rook gave his report. Director Russell was present via TEAMS meeting and phone. They are in the final stage of the Buyout for the Busy Bee. LEPC agreed to apply for a Homeland Security Grant for the West Repeater. The Fire Council would like to have a Representative available during interviews for the Communications Officer?
Clerk of Court Halverson gave her report. The new Judge is settling in great.
Clerk & Recorder Tomassi gave her report. They are cleaning up old files. There will b e a Hospital Election this year in September. She was subpoenaed for a Mineral Right case in Virginia she may have to attend on February 4, 2025.
Treasurer Hetrick was not able to attend the meeting due to short staffing but did write a report. There are 15 mobile homes on the Sheriff’s list. Report will be prepared hopefully before the 1st, 2025. Ther are 4 people on the Tax Deed list this year. They are hoping to get interviews setup in the next couple of weeks for the clerk position in the Treasurers office.
CFO Kirk gave her report. We are having a Federal Audit because of the ARPA & CARES money. Wednesday January 22, 2025 at Noon she will be getting a legislative update from MACo. Everyone is under budget which is good.
Commissioner Goffena reported that everything is running smoothly in the County.
End of meeting.
CHW Berg gave her report to the Commissioners. Norma Trent with the Roundup Record and Winnett Times was present. Ms. Berg is going to meet with the Superintendent of Schools to discuss an MOU. Domestic violence training as discussed. The office may be used for speech therapy also. The Commissioner suggested having a TEAMS meeting once a month with Catalyst for Change.
“Theresa Doumitt met with the Commissioners to discuss the Wier Building Project. In addition to the Commissioners and Theresa Doumitt; County Attorney Krakowka, Debi Adolph, and Norma Trent were present. Commissioner Pancratz reviewed and signed Thank You letters to Coal Board staff and Governor Gianforte to acknowledge and thank them for the $182,000 Coal Board grant for the Wier Building Project. Theresa disseminated the press release from the Department of Commerce to the area papers regarding the Coal Board grant award, so that grant award news will go out to the community soon.
The project budget was discussed as well as the cost and pros/cons of the vacant lots North of the Wier Building. Theresa shared information with the Commissioners regarding conversations with the landowner, the structural engineer, and the contractor that filled in the vacant lots. The walk through for potential developers is Tuesday the 21st at 1pm and the agenda for that meeting was discussed. The meeting with High Plains Architect is Wednesday the 22nd from 1130-1230pm to review the structural and roof repair plans. Amending the date and content of RFQ-P for developers was discussed briefly and will be continued next Friday.” Done by Theresa Doumitt.
There was no public comment.
There being no further business Commissioner Goffena made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion.
January 6, 2025 Road Department Report.
Commissioner Pancratz, Commissioner Goffena, Commissioner Turley and Secretary Newman were present. There was not a lot of damage done to the plow truck. They are going to get it inspected for insurance purposes. 11 miles of Hawk Creek Road has been graveled, 8 more to go. There was a call about vegetation on the bridge on #4 Road. They are between the guard rails. They are going to apply to the Coal Board for a water truck for when they are working on a road. Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert reviewed the Petition to make Jenning Road a County Road, and he is fine with it considering they have been doing it. It will be a “low priority” road.
End of meeting.
Signed this 24th day of January 2025
Last modified: January 24, 2025