January 27, 2022 Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Turley. Commissioner Pancratz and Commissioner Goffena were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve the agenda after adding Meriel Beck from the Weed Department at 2:30. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion as amended. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the minutes from the January 20, 2-23 meeting as written. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Board Meetings
Commissioner Goffena and Commissioner Turley attended the Central Montana Health District meeting January 26, 2023 at the Winnett Courthouse. They are still trying to figure out how mush each County contributes. Onehealth is going to be buying the van. The retirement money needs figured out. There are a lot of unanswered questions. The next meeting is March 16, 2023
Commissioner Goffena attended the Council on Aging meeting Tuesday January 24, 2023. They were able to give the employees a raise and they are going to be appointing new members.
All Commissioner visited Signal Peak Mine on Tuesday January 24, 2023 for a tour.
All Commissioner attended the Bair Collins meeting with the Roundup Community Partners. (RCP) There were 40 to 50 people present with some great ideas for the Bair Collins area.
There was a call from Barta Appraisals to discuss the County/Belveal appraisal.
County Attorney Larsen met with the Commissioners for an update on some of the projects he is working on.
Des Director Russell, Coordinator Rook and Rural Addressing Assistant Gomez gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Treasurer Hetrick was present to discuss a budget appropriation miscalculation for GIS. One person called about a Floodplain Permit and was directed to GreatWest. There were 2 structure fires this week and the State Fire Marshall was call to one of them. There was one new address this week. They are composing a master list of road signs and doing vehicle maintenance. Mr. Rook met with a company regarding our website and maintenance. We need to contact our web designer and have some maintenance done. They are going to be attending the Legislature meeting next week and Mr. Rook is still working on the Resource Book.
Virginia Carlson from the Food bank met with the Commissioner to discuss a raise in the next budget, When she started there she had approximately 35 – 40 cases and now she has well over 100 and is working more hours. The Commissioner said she is doing wonderful work and they will not forget it with the next budget.
Ambulance Director Solberg gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They will try to put the Commissioner monitors up this weekend. It depends on how many calls they receive. The jail recreation yard was discussed and Mr. Solberg would like to see the plans.
Weed Coordinator Beck met with the Commissioner to get an ok on getting a new UTV for the Department. The Weed board ok’d it and she needs the Commissioners ok.. they all agreed.
Public comment:
Theresa Doumitt thanked the Commissioners for attending the Bair Collins meeting and gave an update on the Welcome Center bathrooms. After this cold weather ends, they are planning on pouring the Concrete for the bathroom.
Monty Sealey with the Central Montana Regional Water Authority met with the Commissioners with an update on the project. There were 66 letters sent out and he has received 44 registered letter confirmations back. There was one returned due to a wrong address and one person has opted out.
End of Public Comment
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign the Modification Agreement for the Farmers Union Brownfield loan submitted by Snowy Mountain Development Corporation. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There was no a Road Department meeting on Monday January 30, 2023.
Commissioner Turley signed Journal Voucher 1045. To correct funds being transposed.
Commissioner Turley signed Journal Voucher 1046. To correct fund from 2860 to 1000.
Commissioner Turley signed Journal Voucher 1047. To correct funds 2110 to 4020.
Commissioner Turley signed Journal Voucher 1048. To correct claim 24718 accounts
Commissioner Turley signed Journal Voucher 1049. To move cash from 2170 to 2172 to cover Airport Loan payment.
Last modified: February 3, 2023