July 1, 2022
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Pancratz were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve the agenda as is. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the minutes as written. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
John Albert came in and visited with the Commissioners regarding a claim and the lawn mower he uses to mow the Musselshell cemetery and Handel Park.
Commissioner Turley attended the Refuse Board meeting on June 28, 2022. They may be needing to get a new employee for the Musselshell dump.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report. They need to do something about the water in front of the Teddy Blue Abbott monument. Ms. Jett will check with the monument people to see if they want it off or moved. Ms. Jett is also going to call someone to fix the side entrance concrete. They have ordered cameras for the Commons.
Angelica Mozqueda Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist with the Montana Mental Health Center met with the Commissioners to introduce herself, explain what her service provides and express the need for Community Representatives to let everyone know the service is here. The service is to “educate all community members with specific focus on at risk youth about substance abuse and other high-risk behaviors, while also providing them the skills to make positive choices”
County Agent Solf gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. They are working with the Sheriff’s office for open riding at the fairgrounds on Tuesdays and Thursdays. The Commissioner would like the Safety Committee to walk the arena area first. Insurance for events was discussed. Ms. Solf is finishing preparations for the 4H fair.
A Representative from Senator Daines office met with the Commissioners to ask if there were any concerns they would like Mr. Daines to know about and to let them know that Mr. Daines is working on the cattle market bills and the price for transporting with the Meat Packing Special Investment Act. Mr. Daines is also against gun safety laws. Commissioner Turley asked that the ability to get gravel for County Roads be easier. The environmental rules are making it near impossible to get gravel for our roads. The Commissioner are also very concerned about the American Prairie Reserve.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The security at the 4th of July events were discussed. Commissioner Turley made the motion to suspend the rules and sign the Interlocal Agreement for the City Law Enforcement that was agreed upon. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
DES Director Russell, Coordinator Rook and Rural Addressing Assistant Gomez gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Rook sat in on a FEMA Procurement Training. There was a fire on Big Wall Road that was under 10 acres caused by a swather. Burning will be closed for the summer. Security cameras came in for the cold storage building and firehall. Mr. Russell will get quotes on cameras for the Commons. There were 2 new addresses this week. Mr. Gomez installed 3 new signs, did 6 refits and verified 55 addresses. Mr. Russell attended Active Shooter traning for 2 days this week. There are 8 active COVID cases this week in Musselshell County. Statewide there are 2269 cases.
Roger Baxter met with the Commissioners to discuss the Counties property in Musselshell.
Sheriff Lesnik and Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioner and Payroll Clerk Schultz to discuss time cards and holiday pay.
Justin Russell and Darren Rook met with the Commissioners regarding budget.
Public Comment;
Michael Pratt, Ed Grimes, Mark Snyder, Janice Beck and Ken Naylor wear present to discuss the Roundup Mesa Water District and getting the area water from the Regional Water Authority. They are concerned that they are going to have to pay for the project even though they do not want the water. That there are invisible costs. (Monty Sealey joined they meeting) The Commissioner assured them that if they are not going to be part of the Water District, they will NOT have to pay but they will NOT be getting water.
End of Public comment.
There was no 3:00 Business.
Meeting adjourned.
Last modified: July 15, 2022