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Commissioners July 19, 2024 minutes

August 9, 2024

July 26, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Turley Commissioner Goffena and Commissioner Pancratz were present. Minutes were done by Garilynn Rapp.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the agenda as is, Commissioner Pancratz seconded. Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the Minutes as amended from July 19th, 2024. Commissioner Goffena seconded. Motion carried.

Public Comment on the Business items below:

Richard Durgin visited with the Commissioners about the fee schedule for the refuse site, annual fee increase, and staffing of the refuse transfer site.

Daryl Tate visited with the Commissioners about the fee schedule for the refuse site and possible impacts on local businesses.

Bill Trent, with the Refuse Board, visited with the Commissioner’s about the Board’s discussion regarding cardboard recycling. The Board is willing to negotiate with local businesses to ensure that the County has maximum opportunity to recycle cardboard waste.


  1. Commissioner Pancratz made the motion Review and Approve Certificate of Survey 2024-13 submitted by Central School Development Venture, LP. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
  2. Commissioner Goffena made the motion to Review and Resolution 2024-25 setting new rates for the county refuse district. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion, motion carried.

Board Meetings:

Commissioner Goffena attended the Central Montana Health Board meeting, in Stanford. Musselshell County is the most populated county in the district and will have the greatest financial responsibility, currently $35,000 per year, with a projected increase to $50,000. The Board will continue to be applying for grants for funding.

Homes on the Range board members Parm Carter, Mike Morgan, Chris Kirk, and Irvin Weigum visited with the Commissioners on the status of the PAR that was finalized and submitted at the end of May. Kevin, with HUD has recommended a full building assessment. As part of the PAR, Plan A has been determined to be the land by the Homes on the Range. HUD is requesting a Plan B, if the geotechnical report of the site A, is unfeasible.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her update to the Commissioners. The department is looking to get the heater hooked up in the maintenance shed. Extra doors have been removed from the courthouse the moved to cold storage.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners.

DES Director Justin Russell and DES Coordinator Darren Rook gave their update to the Commissioners. No FEMA updates to report. Fire Warden reports 2 fires in Musselshell County. One fire occurred as result of lightning and the other was caused by a powerline. The department had 4 mutual aid fires, 2 in Yellowstone and 2 in Rosebud. Fire Warden has allocated 12 firefighters for staffed stations. The department is working on reducing the timeframe from request to load & go, for drone deployments. Currently, the timeframe is 45 minutes. Department goals is 15 minutes. A trailer with pure sine wave energy generator may be a solution, the department is looking into possible grants available. The tower for the East Repeater project will be here on Monday. This project is currently 6 weeks ahead of schedule.

CFO Kirk met with the Commissioners regarding budgets.

The Commissioners interviewed applicants for the County Attorney position.

There being no further business Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  Motion carried, at 4:27 PM MDT.



Last modified: August 9, 2024

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