June 30, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Turley. Commissioner Pancratz and Commissioner Goffena were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Board meetings:
Commissioners Goffena and Turley attended the Road Dept. On June 26th, 2023. Interviewed for open road dept. position. Discussed gravel for county roads and had a budget meeting with the job superintendent. The road dept is in the process of assessment for reviewing roads and prioritizing maintenance.
Commissioner Turley attended the Refuse Dept meeting on June 29th, 2023. The current contract is expired, a meeting has been scheduled for July 13th, 2023
Commissioner Goffena went to the Weed Department Meeting on June 25h 2023. Discussed House Bill 42. Weed Supervisor has applied for a grant for spraying for Russian Olives and Salt Cedar along the Musselshell River.
Commissioner Goffena went to the Musselshell County Safety Meeting. The purpose of Safety Meeting is to identify areas of accidents and implement safe working environments leading to fewer injuries as well as a reduction in County insurance premiums. Musselshell County has $175,000 in claims for slips and falls. During the meeting they reviewed the 10 Enemies of Safe Behavior (attached)
Commissioners Turley, Pancratz and Goffena went to the Compensation Board Meeting on June 22nd. The board has tentatively passed a $1.50 per hour wage increase for County employees, subject to ensuring the county has funds in the budget for the increase.
Commissioners Pancratz and Turley toured the rodeo grounds on June 22nd. They reviewed utilizing sand from the premises to fill the arena.
Community Agent Jennifer Solf met with the commissioners she updated them on current events. Reviewed sand for the rodeo grounds, parking for the rodeo at RIDE. Planning to have the East entrance closed at RIDE due to flooding. Porta potties ordered for RIDE. Repairs have been completed at the campground. Preparing for the 4H Fair July 15-22nd.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Completing RIDE prep. All deputies have their assignments. 4 additional deputies are coming from other counties to assist, with Ride paying for it.
County Attorney Adam Larson gave his update to the commissioners. He is putting a rental agreement together for the Commons. The Roundup/Mesa Water Board must have ballots out by July 27th, 20 Days before the election. We need 5 people for the Water Board and 5 individuals have provided written expression of interest. Everything is on track for the election on August 15th.
Bobbi Rouns with Compliance Monitoring Solutions met with the commissioners. They are contracted with the DOC. They are willing to provide services to Musselshell County for alcohol and drug monitoring services. They have the ability to do lab testing, hair testing and patches, install and maintain electronic devices. They are contracted to work with DOC clients to do the following: job development, one on one meetings, weekly scheduling, job application assistance. Compliance Monitoring will assist with program development.
Public Comment
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign The Extension of the Musselshell County MCEP Grant Contract #MT-TSEP-CG-21-164 Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion; motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign the COS for David and Melissa Turley. Township 6N, Range 28E, Sec1, the S2 of N2. Commissioner Pancratz seconded; motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-37, to amend the spending authority in several funds. Grant increase to $58,895. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion; Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-38, a Resolution to receive the Mason Moore Foundation Grant for 2-40MM launchers, and fiber optics for the Musselshell County Sheriff’s Department in the amount of $3,390. Commissioner Pancratz seconded; motion carried.
Wendy Shreve: Came to review the lease agreement for the Commons. County Attorney is working on revisions.
Michael Jacko: Came to review the junk cars and homes on Treetop Rd. Commissioners, along with County Attorney, Adam Larsen discussed various options. Concluded that there is nothing that the County can do to enforce property covenants.
Kathy Hower & Cheryl Skrapits: Came to speak to the Commissioners about road damage from flooding. Roads affected are Bender, Log Cabin, East Parrott Creek, and West Parrot Creek. Community concerns were raised from the possibility that the flooding was caused by recent fiber optic construction, including concerns of the dam being undermined.
Kathy requested County to assist in evaluate and provide services to repair road to function on an emergency basis. Roads are private and the county cannot provide services or funding to repair. Concerned about traffic coming into to see storm damages making issues worse for residents. County Attorney, Adam Larsen, suggested posting signs “Private Road Severe Damage Enter at Your Own Risk”
There being no further business Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Last modified: July 14, 2023