March 15, 2024
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Turley. Commissioner Goffena was present. Commissioner Pancratz came in at 8:45.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve the agenda after adding, Signing the Contract for Professional Services from Theresa Doumitt, signing the FY 2024 EMPG Annual Time Certification Form and Assurances certification for DES Director Justin Russel and DES Coordinator Darren Rook, signing the WWC Work Order #8 for the Wier Building Structural Assessment and the Amended #2 for Professional Services Contract for Floodplain Administration for Courtney Long. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign the minutes from the March 8, 2024 meeting as written. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Public Comment:
Theresa Doumitt was present.
Ms. Doumitt wanted the Commissioners to know that there are some Roundup Community Partner volunteers that are going to be putting some finishing touches on the Welcome Center this weekend.
End of public comment.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to table and remove the signing of the buy/sell agreement for the Wier Building from the agenda, until after the Brownsfield refresh and the County can get a cost estimate. This should take approximately 6 to 8 weeks. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Certificate of Survey 2024-6 in Section 7, Township 7 North, Range 26 East, submitted by Lorena Evans. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign the Participation and Affiliation Agreement with MACo for the County. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign the County Life Insurance and AD&D Benefit Elections with MACo. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign the Contribution and Eligibility Form from MACo for the County Medical Plans for County Employees effect July 1, 2024. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign the 2024 Renewal Rates for County Employees Medical Plans. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign the Contract for Professional Services for Theresa Doumitt. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign the FY 2024 EMPG Annual Time Certification Form and Assurances Certification for DES Director Justin Russel and DES Coordinator Darren Rook. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign the WWC Work Order #8 for the Wier Building Structural Assessment. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign the Amended #2 for Professional Services Contract for Floodplain Administration for Courtney Long. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena attended the LEPC meeting on Tuesday March 12, 2024.
All Commissioners attended the FEMA meeting on Tuesday March 12, 2024.
Commissioner Turley attended the Hospital Board meeting on Thursday March 14, 2024. Minutes were taken by Commissioner Turley.
Of major discussion was the detailed effort that an engineering firm with the association of Billing Clinic made with RMH regarding the functional layout, building safety, and reliability of components of the hospital. Mr. Goplen and Kolstad with the firm associated with this process provided an excellent report of their findings with multiple possibilities to upgrade the hospital. The choices provide by Golpen and Kolstad will be decided by the RMH Association Board. It was noted that current RMH Administrator Rick Schroeder has continued to improve hospital staff working environment concentrating on safety and moral. Accounting noted that RMH cash on hand is 100 days plus, which is great news signaling the financial stability of the hospital. It was noted during this meeting that Musselshell County / Roundup may double in population during the next 20 years. Elderly care may become more prevalent with the aging population and local attraction to retirees.
Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Goffena attended the Homeland Security meeting on Thursday March 14, 2024.
The Commissioners attended the Central Montana Regional Water Authority meeting Thursday March 14, 2024 in Melstone.
All Commissioner did claims on Wednesday March 13, 2024. Claims = $110,095.51.
County Agent Solf met with the Commissioners on Wednesday March 13, 2024. Ms. Solf submitted her resignation to the Commissioners. There will be a meeting April 2, 2024 at 10:30 with Tracy Mosley to discuss the process of hiring a new Agent. If there are any questions regarding the fairgrounds use, before they hire, questions will be directed to the Clerk & Recorders Office. There will be a Fair Board meeting on Tuesday March 19, 2024.
DES Director Russell and Coordinator Rook gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The new Floodplain Administrator Courtney Long was also present to introduce herself and submit the signed Administration Contract for Professional Services. Mr. Russell and Mr. Rook were present at the Homeland Security meeting on Thursday March 14, 2024. They will be moving forward with getting the 4 new trucks from DOD surplus.
Treasurer Hetrick met with the Commissioners to give them the February Reconciliation Report.
Violet Flaming and Scott Kinch met with the Commissioners regarding renewing her lease for FEMA lots. They would like to do it for 5 Years instead of a yearly lease with
the option to terminate at their discretion. The commissioners will update the Lease and have for signature Friday March 22, 2024.
There being no further business, Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Last modified: March 25, 2024