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Commissioner Agendas & Meeting Minutes (Consolidated from 2016)

October 24, 2016

OCTOBER 24, 2016

Public Comments on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission


9:30                 Road Department- Unofficial Agenda for October 24, 2016

  1. Open the bid submissions for used equipment the Coal Board has granted for funding.

Maint. planned for week of 10/24/16:

Gravel graves from intersection to Snowy Mtn. To cattle guard at top of hill, blade remaining roads before winter, Homestead & others. Continue work on Hochmuth corner relocation, continue mowing areas that need it.


10:00               Sheriff’s Department


11:00               DES Coordinator Carlson


12:00               Lunch-






Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda.

All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.

  1. Approve the Employee Policy Manual.
  2. Discuss the Purchase Agreement for the Central School Annex and lots.
  3. Vote on items 1 – 5 on the recommendations from the Local Government Study


  1. Make a decision on the purchase of the annex and lots.


4:00                 County Attorney Peterson- To discuss





Public Comments on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission


9:30                 Sheriff’s Office

10:00               Road Department- Unofficial Agenda for Sept 6, 2016

  1. RE: culvert on Old Four Mile Road, Tom checked it with Greg on Wed.
  2. We are working on Steve Tyrrel’s request for a 10 yr cost “snapshot” of Dean Creek Road
  3. Working on the “pond” project with DES and DEQ.
  4. N. Gage work continued.


11:00               DES Adam Carlson


12:00               Lunch

1:30                 Meriel Beck

2:00                 Public Hearing on 2016/2017 Budget


3:00                 Public Hearing: Rural Addressing

Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the

Commission that is not on the agenda.

All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.

  1. Approve the settlement with CTA for the Ambulance Barn.
  2. Approve the Employee Policy Manual.
  3. Approve and sign Resolution 2016-20 setting daily rates for incarceration to
  4. $80.00 per day.
  5. Approve Ordinance 2016-1- Rural Addressing Updates.
  6. Sign the Notice to Proceed for Airport Construction submitted by KLJ.



County Attorney Peterson- To discuss



AUGUST 29, 2016

Public Comments on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission


9:30                 Sheriff’s Office

10:00               Road Department- Unofficial Agenda for August 29, 2016

  1. The sand shed is going up.
  2. N.Gage is getting closer to completion.
  3. Bus route repairs will begin.
  4. Mowing started up again.
  5. Trees are trimmed on Farrel and Golf Course.


11:00               Rod Nygaard- Road


12:00               Lunch

1:30                 Forrest Sanderson from KLJ.- Plat review quality control.



3:00                 Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the

Commission that is not on the agenda.

All business and resolutions approved and voted on by the Commissioners.

  1. Approve the settlement with CTA for the Ambulance Barn.
  2. Approve the Employee Policy Manual.
  3. Approve and sign Resolution 2016-18 setting salaries of all County Elected Officials.
  4. Discuss raises for County employees.


  1. Sign the Letter the list of Uncollected Personal Property Taxes for tax years

2007/2016 submitted by Treasurer Mary Nelson.

4:00                 County Attorney Peterson- To discuss

Planning reviews

Court Compliance budget


5:00                 Elected Official Salary Compensation meeting.

Commissioner Meeting Minutes
August 15, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Adolph.  Commissioner Goffena and Borner were present.

The minutes from the August 8, 2016 meeting were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners.

County Agent Mat Walter met with the Commissioners. Will Donahue was hired to be the grounds keeper at the fairgrounds.  Mr. Walter told the Commissioners that he has been trying to contact  Arron Belveal about the trees the County is going to replace on his property here in town. There have been no return calls so Mr. Walter is going to get a line of credit at Good Earth Works or Billings Nursery for a certain amount to be used by a certain time and send a certified letter to Mr. Belveal.  The Commissioners were fine with that.  Mr. Walter will be on vacation from August 17, 2016 to August 24, 2016.

Under Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There was a high speed chase in the County that started in Rosebud County.  Mr. Lesnik is going to have a discussion with the Rosebud Sheriffs Office on what transpired.

Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The fog seal for the parking lot will be scheduled when the guys from Hardrives gets back form vacation. A resident on Bender Road was inquiring about a culvert to be put in by the County.  The County does not buy the culvert but will put it in. There are 4 new bus routes that need some improvements, Dailey Road, Harris to Hochmuth, Melstone-Custer hill south of Jennings Road and Homestead Road has also been put on as a bus route with the understanding being it is only a fair weather route. ( Bus routes are always the priority for road work). There needs to be a meeting with the Landowners on Colony Road for clarification before any graveling gets done. They are working on prices for tree branch removal in our ROW on Golf Course and Farrel Street.

Jon Goffena and Tana Pinkerton Cates met with the Commissioners with serious concerns for the public safety with the way the high speed chase was executed in town. Mr. Goffena wondered why the spikes were used in town at the corner of 12 West and highway 87. He felt that was not an appropriate place due to the proximity of private citizens.  Citizens were doing traffic control. It was very unsafe.  Ms. Cates was in Melstone at a City function and there were kids and people all over and the Officers went through at a high rate of speed. And there were a lot of places between Melstone and Roundup where there was a better spot to put the spikes. Why wasn’t the Sheriff notified immediately? (Sheriff Thomas was on vacation)  They both wanted to see the Sheriff’s Policy. They are going to file a complaint and want an investigation into the way the incident was handled.  Public safety is a Priority.  Commissioner Adolph told them that the Department of Criminal Investigation will more than likely be called in to investigate. Commissioner Adolph will talk to County Attorney Peterson. They need to make the complaint with the Sheriff’s Office.

DES Coordinator Carlson gave his weekly report to the Commissioners.   A person from FEMA

was here to inspect property that the County purchased in the Acquisition Program and said the

grass needed to be cut.  The Commissioners questioned this because it is supposed to be “green space” not maintained green space.  Mr. Carlson will check with FEMA.  (As long as it is documented that the space has been sprayed for weeds by the Weed Department it is ok)  It was mentioned that maybe a resident would like to cut the grass for horse feed.  We are still in Stage

1 Fire Restrictions.  Public Notice will be going out this week for the Queens Point Bridge Project. Mr. Carlson will be working with the Sheriff’s Department to get the evacuation Procedures up to date and fit the current capabilities. Mr. Carlson suggested a Social Media Training class for some departments.  Mr. Carlson told the Commission that he contacted FEMA about getting 1(one) bid for Appraisal Services for the Home Acquisition Program and they said that one was ok.  So Barta Appraisal Service was awarded the bid.  Mr. Carlson will be on vacation from August 20th to the 22nd 2016.

Sue Olson, Deb Adolph and Theresa Doumitt with the Musselshell County Local Government Review Commission met with the Commissioners.  Clerk and Recorder Cheryl Tomassi and Amy Angel from Accounting were present. Ron Solberg from the Local Government Review Commission was unable to attend.  They have finished their Final Report from the Study. Copies will be sent to the MSU Local Government Center, the Administration Department and

State Library. The purpose of the study commission is to “study the existing form and powers of a local government and procedures for delivery of local government services and to compare them with other forms available under laws of the state.” Public meetings were held to hear from the residents of Musselshell County and a Community Council/ Advisory Board and Non- partisan elections were the biggest recommendation. One person from each district to hear problems and issues such as roads, weeds, fairgrounds.  Then an Advisory Board would determine what is priority to take before the County Commissioners.  The Commissioners would be responsible for finding a solution oriented resident from each district. Non-partisan elections

is where voters are able to select the representative of their choice based more on merit and skills not party affiliation.   Ms. Olson expressed disappointment with the community reaction to the study. No one attends the meetings because there is no community communication.  The Commissioners asked the question if an Advisory Council would really help to get the word out there and help with communication?  Ms. Olson said that it is worth a try.   There will be a letter sent to residents explaining the process in the near future.  This will be put on the ballot for the upcoming election.  The Commissioners took the recommendations under advisement.   Ms. Olson told the Commissioners that she gives a thumbs up to DES Coordinator Carlson for the fire updates. Commissioner Adolph is going to talk to Bill Edwards regarding putting the minutes and agenda on his radio show so more people are informed.

Item #1 to approve the settlement with CTA for the ambulance barn was tabled because we still do not have the actual settlement agreement from County Attorney Peterson.  Item #2 to approve the Employee Policy Manual was tabled because it still is not done.  Item #3 to sign Resolution

2016-18 was taken off the table because it will be in the Policy Manual. Item #4 to sign Resolution 2016-19 because we have to wait until the budgets are done.  It will now be numbered 2016-18.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the Encroachment Application for Sec. 38,

39 & 40, T- 8-N, R-26-E, #4 Road submitted by Daniel & Olivia Acord.  Commissioner Borner seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 2016-O-376

Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign Task Order #10 for the EOC Building Stabilization- Preliminary Engineering Services submitted by KLJ. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 2016-O-375

County Attorney Peterson met with the Commissioners.  The Policy Manual was given back to Commissioner Borner to make sure all changes that were discussed had been changed by Previous County Attorney Sipe.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Meeting Minutes
March 7, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 9:30 by Commissioner Adolph.  Commissioner Goffena and Borner were present.

Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners.  Nothing new to report.

Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners.  We are waiting for findings from County Attorney Sipe on maintaining alley ways in the County. There needs to be a decision made on which road/roads are going to get millings preservation or asphalt zippings. Once decided there will be a public meeting. Farelltown is now a bus route and will be plowed when needed. MFLAP Grant proposals for Old Divide will go to Snowy Mountain Development Corp. To be worked on but still waiting on estimates. Queens Point Bridge will be replaced in 2017. The 3 day Basic Wildland Training is only required for new employees.

Alan Churchill accompanied by Wes Burrier met with the Commissioners to formally file a written complaint against William Lage with the County for not complying with Subdivision rules and regulations. It will now be turned over to Forrest Sanderson- Subdivision Administrator.

Ken Stahl met with the Commissioners requesting putting up signs on Colony Road to lower the speed limit to 5 MPH in front of his residence. The Commissioners told Mr. Stahl that the only way to get a speed limit lowered is to go to the Highway Patrol and they would have to do a road study.

Rachel Court from Senator John Testers Office met with the Commissioners to check in and see how things were going and answer any questions the Commissioners may have. The mine was discussed. Ms. Court assured the Commissioners that Mr. Tester is watching the EPA Policies closely and feels that the Market and Refinery Regulations are the problem.  The Mussleshell River and Water Shed Coalition were discussed. There is a lot of work being done. BLM policies were also discussed.

David Simpson met with the Commissioners regarding the abandonment of Haugardy Road in

  1. He is requesting that the Commission reinstate the Road to a County Road (file L-1226). The

Commissioner will have the County Attorney look into it.

Item #1 Approve the Purchase Agreement for the Central School Building. (Waiting on the Architect report). #2 Approve and sign Task Order #9 for the TSEP Grant on the Preliminary Engineering Report on Bridges submitted by KLJ. (Not available yet). The Commissioners moved to table both items.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to adopt the Findings of Facts for the update on the Subdivision Regulations submitted by KLJ Commissioner Borner seconded the motion.  Motion carried.          2016-O-231

Commissioner Borner made the motion to adopt and sign Resolution 2016-11 adopting the updated

Subdivision Regulations. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

RES 2016-11

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to adopt the Findings of Facts for the Regulations for the Application of Buildings for Lease or Rent. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 2016-O-232

Commissioner Borner made the motion to adopt and sign Resolution 2016-12 adopting the Regulations for the Application of Buildings for Lease or Rent. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  Motion carried.                                                                                                                        RES 2016-12

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign the request for reimbursement for final SF 271 and SF 425 for Roundup Municipal Airport  AIP 3-30-0066-011-2013 submitted by KLJ. Commissioner Borner seconded th motion.  Motion carried.                                                  2016-O-233

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve and sign the Encroachment Permit for Section

21 & 22, Township 8 North, Range 26 East, #4 Road, for an approach, submitted by Dean & Linda Newman. The motion was tabled for lack of a seconded after discussion. Commissioner Goffena will go and look at the approach first.

County Attorney Sipe:

Personnel Manual- Still working on

Steep Road- waiting on

February Payroll= $115,735.59                      Check # 22327 – 223355

Claims                = $217,940.03                      Check # 59128 – 59294

Last modified: May 16, 2017

Comments are closed.