April 15, 2019
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Carlson was present. Commissioner Berry was absent due to illness.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Carlson would like to add to the agenda. For the DES timeslot, discuss the Meathouse Road properties.
Commissioner Borner would like to add in the Commissioner discussion limiting extended private visits in departments to business only and County vehicle use. Ms. Borner would also like to add in the Accounting timeslot the status of the audit and FEMA money spent and match amount, especially with budgets coming up. Also add a visit with Bonnie Stensvad regarding rent or lease County property. Commissioner Carlson made to motion to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner would like to make a few adjustments to the minutes from April 8, 2019, just clarifying that Kathie Bailey with Snowy Mountain Development sent a letter of support for HB293 and Mayor Jones will support the bill again. Ms. Borner also wanted it added that Yellowstone County Commissioner Pitman was also in favor of the amendments to HB403 and that construction at the Old Central School will start soon. Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the April 8, 2019 minutes as amended. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner said she hadn’t heard anything regarding HB292 funding for the Coal Board and Kathie Bailey from Snowy Mountain Development Corp., was concerned about what the percentage will be. HB403 did not pass with amendments. Commissioner Borner said that the Commissioners should consider sending a letter to the Governor with their concerns and ask him not to sign the Bill. Ms. Borner thinks that the bill for open cut mining fee was reduced for Counties but they are still going to have to pay something.
Commissioner Carlson attended the Weed District meeting and everything is moving great. The board approved the new weed building and Ms. Beck is going to see if the Community Service people can help move some of her stuff to the Quonset hut at the fairgrounds until her building is up. They have also found some new funding to help with the cost. They have found a new source for aerial spraying that is a lower rate for the County. The DNRC & NRS office has funding for land owners to treat noxious weeds. Ms. Beck will be doing classes for spraying calibrations, a class for youth and the Yellowstone Road Department. Commissioner Borner asked if there was a time frame for the start of the new weed building? Commissioner Carlson said they are thinking starting in May.
Commissioner Borner went to the RCP meeting (?) and has a report on the Central School. They are working on raising funds for a playground. Commissioner Borner said that she would like to meet with the City and hospital and any other departments that want to go to the Coal Board for funding so they can prioritize the need. Ms. Borner does not want to stop any department from going for a grant, but wants to have the need prioritized in case the question is asked by the Board. Ms. Borner needs to ask Accounting Supervisor Angel where the administration fees for a grant come out of. Is it the department that is asking for the grant or general budget? Ms. Borner is going to meet with the caretaker of the fairgrounds this week to go over hail damage and what needs done. He is going to be opening the comfort station soon. Ms. Borner also reached out to the members of the Fair Board and they will be meeting soon.
The Commissioners need to gather information about the basement and the roof of the Wells Fargo building. They have heard that both are in really bad shape.
Commissioner Borner and Carlson met with Mark Qualman regarding the hail damage at the Extension Office and the Fair Grounds. We need to send him all the information as soon as possible. Ms. Borner said that the grandstands are in really bad shape. The Commissioners need to look at everything and decide on which big jobs are going to get done, but the grandstands are a liability for the County. Ms. Borner received a call from Duane Brewer regarding removing the silt at the fairgrounds. Ms. Borner called Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and they do not have a problem with removing it as long as Mr. Brewer does not go over the 4-H bridge with a load of the silt. Ms. Borner will notify the 4-H Council that Mr. Brewer will be doing this. We will be going out for formal bids on the steps for the Court House. The Commissioners will contact County Attorney Peterson to schedule an appointment next Monday regarding moving forward with the Flood Plain violation. Commissioner Borner wants to find out what needs done to be able to sell the old Farmers Union building. They will contact Kathie Bailey with Snowy Mountain Development Corporation to get more information. The Commissioners are going to talk to all Department Heads regarding unnecessary visiting that may be halting productivity. They also will need to discuss the use of County vehicles.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Jett said that Accounting Supervisor asked about her budget. Ms. Jett has never done the budget before and Commissioner Borner thinks it is a good idea to know about the budget and be a part of the process. We will be setting up budget meetings in the near future. They are going to make sure all County building fire extinguishers are on the list to be checked. Ms. Jett received a call from Cliff Fawcett about the north steps at the Courthouse. Commissioner Borner will call Mr. Fawcett. They need to set Ms. Jett up with a County e-mail address.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Secretary Kenner was at training. Mr. Stockert discussed going for a Coal Board Grant for a new Schulte mower and 2 side arms. The side arms are for safety and efficiency. There will be public comment on if there is environmental impact for the equipment at the Road Departments regular meeting on April 22, 2019 and be voted on at the 3:00 business that same day. A dead cow at the fairgrounds was discussed and when there is time it will be taken care of. The Commissioners reviewed a draft letter to landowners off of #4 Road affected by the alteration. Mr. Stockert gave an update from Friday April 12, 2019 meeting with MDT about Goulding Creek Road/Secondary 381. They may be able to start graveling earlier and may be able to go further. The “major collector roads” issue was brought up and even MDT isn’t sure exactly what it means. The Commissioners were given the new ad for a new hire and new job description. The ad will be running April 22 thru the 29, 2019 in the Roundup Record and applications will be taken until 5:00 P.M. May 6, 2019. Mr. Stockert would like the Commissioners to look at Dean Creek, Alec Roy and Fattig Creek. Mr. Stockert reminded the Commissioners of the on-line meeting today at 10:00 with FEMA. Mr. Stockert told the Commissioners that with all the training the Road Department has done they are one of the most certified Road Departments in the State but the lowest paid. Commissioner Carlson said he thinks they really need to look into a way to change that.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert was present. The dead cow at the fairgrounds was discussed. Mr. Lesnik told Mr. Stockert that he talked to Montana Highway Patrol about an accident that happened this winter on Golf Course Road that damaged a big culvert and they now know who it was to get reimbursement to fix the culvert. Mr. Lesnik told the Commissioners that he turned in the grant for a working dog. Mr. Lesnik needs to meet with Accounting Supervisor Angel regarding where certain grant funds are and how they can be used. Commissioner Borners told Mr. Lesnik that she is telling all Department Heads about limiting visits from citizens because work is not getting done.
DES Coordinator Fisher and Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert met with the Commissioners for a webinar with FEMA regarding 4-H Road.
Bonnie Stensvad met with the Commissioners regarding leasing the County owned property East of town by the County site. The property joins other property that they are leasing. Commissioner Borner told Ms. Stensvad that there would have to be fencing around the site to keep cows from getting into it, but she wants Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert to look and it and then the County has to come up with a policy regarding leasing land. They will contact Ms. Stensvad when this is done.
Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Budgets will be going out and meetings set up to start going over them for the next fiscal year. Ms. Angel told the Commissioners about a program Black Mountain has for departments to be able to get on with their own code and review their budgets. Commissioner Borner asked if they could send a demo? Ms. Angel will find out. Commissioner Borner asked who pays for the administration fees of a grant? Ms. Angel said the department asking for the grant pays for it or they write them into the grant. (Kathie Bailey with Snowy Mountain Development Corporation was called and asked the question about writing the admin fees into a grant. Ms. Bailey said that it can be done but the Coal Board frowns on it. If the departments pay it lessens the amount asked) Commissioner Borner is going together something to send out to all departments that they have to visit with the Commissioners before going out for a grant and there will be a list of things that they have to let the Commissioners know is in place, such as where is the match coming from, which with the Coal Board is usually 15% of the ask. Then there will be the meeting with the City, Hospital to find the priority. Ms. Borner would like a “wish list” from all departments in August as to what they are wanting from the Coal Board in September. Ms. Angel had to leave for an ambulance transfer.
DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Fisher did not have his normal Sit Rip report for the Commissioners due to an accident. The Commissioner told Mr. Fisher they were still trying to set up a meeting with the County Attorney regarding the Flood Plain violation. Mr. Fisher told the Commissioners Youth Court Probation Officer Koval called him and there are 3 kids that have to do community service and Mr. Fisher would like to have them start working on clearing and cleaning some of the County property from the FEMA buyout. Mr. Fisher said he is going to need to buy gloves and he will need to get a dumpster. The Commissioners were fine with the purchase. Mr. Fisher asked if there were any ideas as to what to do with all of the old tires on the property? Commissioner Carlson said to see if the Sportsman Association would need them. Commissioner Borner said to try Gary Eliasson. Mr. Fisher said that the Weed Department should look at the doors at the Lekse property that was in the FEMA buyout to see if they can be used. Commissioner Carlson asked if Mr. Lekse is done removing his stuff from the property? Mr. Fisher said there is some iron and a few trailers. Mr. Fisher said the City had gotten some things from the property and that the caterpillar lock was cut by the Sheriff’s Office at the property and will need replaced. Mr. Fisher asked if the grounds keeper at the fairgrounds would be able to help clean up some of the properties? Commissioner Borner said he is going to be pretty busy when he starts back but she will ask when she meets with him this week. Ms. Borner told Mr. Fisher that we can consider hiring out for the upkeep of the properties. Commissioner Borner mentioned keeping visits to business only and mentioned the use of County vehicles. Commissioner Borner asked Mr. Fisher about his spreadsheet for the FEMA buyouts and if the match is listed on it? Mr. Fisher said he has about 60% of the spreadsheet filled in and yes match amounts are on it.
Patty Pfeiffer with the Hawk Creek Volunteer Fire Department met with the Commissioners to ask for support for a Coal Board Grant for insulation, electrical wiring, light, heaters and any other equipment to convert the new building into a heated building. They will pay the admin fee and the match will be covered by the multitude of volunteers and equipment that will be used. Kathie Bailey with Snowy Mountain Development Corp. will be writing the grant and they will ask if an environmental assessment will be needed. Public comment on if an environmental assessment is necessary will be held at 11:00 April 22, 2019 during the DES meeting with the Commissioners and voted on at 3:00 business that same day.
Theresa Doumitt and Randy Anderson (Interim CEO) with Roundup Memorial Hospital met with the Commissioners to ask for the Counties support in going to the Coal Board for planning or a new generator/new HVAC unit and controllers. The hospital needs to update their emergency generator because it is at risk if there is an emergency event with their current one. A planning grant would be to raise money for the generators. They are starting fund raisers to supply the match and they will pay admin fees. Public comment on if an environmental assessment is necessary will be held at 1:30 April 22, 2019 and voted on at 3:00 business that same day.
Chris Lehfeldt and Jeffrey Samuels with Fishers Technology met with the Commissioners to discuss IT options for the County. Director of Technology Toombs entered the meeting. The Commissioners told them what the County is looking for and they will be back on April 22, 2019 at 2:00 to discuss what they can do for the County and prices.
Public comment:
Dave Ponte, Deb Adolph, Dave Liggett, Floyd Fisher and Amy Angel were present.
Mr. Ponte presented the Commissioners with a request for information for material for the paper from January 1, 2018 to present. The request is for the election cycle, procedures and correspondents and what is currently happening with County government.
There was no other public comment.
There was no other business. Commissioner Borner closed the business portion of the meeting.
Mr. Ponte said that he thinks they are doing a good job even with the obstacles.
Brandy and Meg from Firstcall met with the Commissioners to discuss IT options for the County. Director of Technology Toombs was present. The Commissioners told them what the County is looking for and they will be back April 22, 2019 at 3:45 to discuss what they can do for the County and prices.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Last modified: July 30, 2019