December 3, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner was present. Commissioner Berry was absent.
The minutes from the November 26, 2018 meeting were reviewed and approved by all Commissioners present.
Old Business
Old ambulance barn roof. Ron Solberg will be calling.
Roof on new ambulance barn. Ron Solberg will be calling.
Bids for the Extension Office/Servpro. Working on it.
Relocation of #4 Road. There will be residents coming in with the Road Department today.
Adam Carlson joined the meeting to observe for the morning.
Commissioner Goffena left the meeting.
Windows at Central Commons/Courthouse. There are 3 bids submitted as of today, this will go on the Dec. 10, 2018 3:00 business.
Wells Fargo Building. Commissioner Borner said that Commissioner Berry texted her and said that he talked to Wells Fargo and they are asking $330.000.00 for the building. Commissioner Berry asked if they would consider donating the building to the County. They will talk to upper management to see about donating.
Sheriff impound building. Nothing yet
Maintenance of County owned property. Will work on it
Heat in the Courtroom. Going to discuss this with Lori Jett
Storage in District Courtroom. There were no bids
County Complex Office(s) for JP. Work in progress
Steps at the Courthouse. There were no bids.
Mower/snow remover from the school. There is a School Board Meeting Monday December 10. 2018.
Weed Coordinator Beck stopped in to give the Commissioners a flyer for the County & Tribal Noxious Weed Enhancement Act to review.
County Agent Walter met with Commissioner Boner to discuss repairs to his building. Mr. Walter is going to call Ms. Messerli at MACo to discuss if he can go off of the adjusters form for bids.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett met with Commissioner Borner regarding the heat in the Courtroom. She is going to change out the old registers one at a time. She is going to buy a few pallets of Ice Melt for the winter months. There was a question regarding payroll.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Jim & Donna Pedrazzi, Joe Stahl, DES Coordinator Fisher and Adam Carlson were present. Commissioner Borner told them there is no quorum because she was the only Commissioner present and told them if they wanted the meeting recorded for record for the other Commissioners they could record on their own or we could turn on the sound. They all agreed to record. Ms. Kenner said that Item #1 on her list was the possible relocation of #4 Road from Pedrazzi’s corner to US Hwy 12 E. There a 5 possible options.
- Route thru Pedrazzi, City and Jensen.
- Route thru Pedrazzi and City. (are land owners donating ROW or Co. purchasing?)
- Building up #4 Road ( an extremely expensive project for the County)
- Do we cannot repair old RR ROW, road will flood yearly
- Eminent Domain of intended new route
Commissioner Borner said that we had recently received the Presidential Declaration for last years flooding and we have been working for months to try to find the heirs of half of the interest in the Jensen property and the next step would probably be to go to probate in order to even possibly get the easement. Have to hire a lawyer and pay for the probate and will take a while. Mr. Pedrazzi said his main concern is the washout on the Conoco Phillips property. There is a hole in the ROW that needs fixed or it will flood. Mr. Stockert told him that Conoco has told him that if he touches the property to fix it then the County is liable and the County cannot do it. Mr. Stockert said that he has been working with the DEQ to fill the hole where the pivot is. Mr. Stahl said that the DNRC visited with him on Thursday and declared the area a wet land. Mr. Pedrazzi said that to get an articulating end on the pivot would be $50,000.00. Mr. Stockert told everyone that every year that road is going to wash out. That means every year there is going to be a big cost to the County just to fix that road. Commissioner Borner said that they are working to find a fix that is long term. The County would have to spend a lot of money to fix the road correctly and more than likely end up having to fix it again. The main consensus of the meeting was to move forward with the Jensens. Commissioner Borner said that she would discuss it with the other Commissioners to move forward.
Mr. Stahl asked what was happening with the Goffena Bridge? Commissioner Borner said that it is going to be fixed but it is going to take a few years.
Mr. Stahl and Mr. & Ms. Pedrazzi left the meeting.
Road and Bridge supervisor gave Commissioner Borner his recommendation for the used motor grader bids that were opened last week. Mr. Stockert recommends the 2014 John Deere 772G with only 1400 hours and a 2 year warranty. Ms. Kenner reminded Commissioner Borner of the special road Department /Department of Transportation meeting December 10, 2018 at 1:00.
Accounting Supervisor Angel met with the Commissioners regarding payroll issues. Ms. Angel also gave Commissioner Borner a checklist of insurance claims and checks paid.
Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. There are 3 inmates in the jail at this time. Mr. Thomas had a question about reimbursements that come out of the budgets going into the General fund account. Commissioner Borner will talk to accounting. The impound building was discussed. Mr. Thomas said that the lowest quote he received was from the Amish but there is an issue with licensing and insurance. Commissioner Borner said she will contact MACo and find out exactly what their requirements are. Mr. Thomas said that he would like a 30 x 60 building on a concrete foundation, 5/8th plywood or particle board and roof with metal covering all, 2 bays plus a storage area(12 x 14 approximately) with electric and a good security camera.
The Handicap Chair was inspected.
DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The EPA was here all of last week. Now we are just waiting for the results of their findings. Mr. Fisher reminded the Commissioners that there was funding in the original grant for hazard mitigation. Mr. Fisher said there were 2 complaints about trailers moving into the flood zone without permits. Fire Council meeting will be December 6, 2018. Mr. Fisher met with Mike Ruggles from Fish Wildlife & Parks to look at County owned property along the river that is hopefully going to be a proposed public fishing access area. Hopefully things will start happening this spring. They will meet again on the 13th of this month. Mr. Fisher is working on the Rodeghiero easement. Mr. Fisher is going to talk to Director of Technology Toombs regarding an upgrade to the “go to meeting program”.
Mayor Jones met with the Commissioners for an update on the Justice of the Peace office. Commissioner Borner said that they are waiting on another bid to fix some plumbing and flooring issues at the County Complex but they are working on it. Mayor Jones said they are willing to help in any way they can to make the move easy.
Commissioner Goffena was present for the afternoon.
Casey Collins with U.S. Representative Greg Gianforte’s Office met with the Commissioners to see there was any way Mr. Gianforte can help Musselshell County. Commissioner Goffena mentioned the Environmental groups being able to sue the coal mines. Mr. Collins said that is being worked on to where they have to go to court first for public records of findings. Commissioner Borner said that she would like to see FEMA fire or natural disaster mitigation be addressed from a larger picture and put more decision making in the hands of local government. Mr. Gianforte is working on the Good Neighbor Authority and also the Judith Gap Regional Water Project.
No public comment.
Item #2 to discuss and approve the bid package for the Extension Office submitted by Mark Qualman was tabled because there was not a package available to decide on. Mr. Qualman was supposed to call the Commissioners at 2:00 but did not.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to sign the Contract from Badlands Water and Consulting, Inc. for Lobbyist Bob Gilbert for the 2019 Legislative Session. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Ambulance Directory Solberg gave the Commissioners the accounts receivable for the month of October.
End of business.
On November 20, 2018 Commissioners Goffena and Borner attended a Coal Country Forum in Billings with Kathie Bailey from Snowy Mountain Development Cooperation.
On November 28, 2018 Commissioner Goffena and Borner met with Representative Barry Usher along with Mayor Jones, DES Coordinator Fisher, Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert, Steve Tyrell regarding FEMA funding and other issues in the City and County
Last modified: March 4, 2019