February 4, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Carlson. Commissioner Borner is in Helena. Commissioner Berry was not present.
Pledge of Allegiance
Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to Commissioners Carlson. Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert is in Helena. #4 & 4H Rd. FEMA meeting will be on the 6th of February.
NW Fuel will be coming to train Candy on the fuel pump. They are waiting to hear from MACo regarding the pre-employment D & A, 1 year probationary period for Road Dept. amendment suggestions to County Policy. The petition for the#4 Rd Alteration is in motion. Mr. Carlson is going to see if the County Attorney will work on doing a contract with the Jensen’s. Ms. Kenner said that she had Commissioner Borner sign a zoning compliance form for her last week.
Accounting Supervisor Angel met with Commissioner Carlson but did not have anything new to report.
Sheriff Lesnik met with Commissioner Carlson and went over building updates for insurance. Mr. Lesnik does not think they should change anything. They have a full jail.
Joe Vescovi met with Commissioner Carlson regarding a culvert that is on property that he has a December 20, 1909 water right on. There is a culvert on Cameron Road that is causing him to not be able to use the water. He said that his 1909 water right is senior to the 1912 Road Easement and would like the Road Department to put in a 12 inch pipe with a screw gate. Commissioner Carlson said that he would talk to the other Commissioners and Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert.
Ambulance Director Solberg met with Commissioners Carlson and gave him his accident report and told him that he bought a sand spreader.
Greg Benjamin with Stahly Engineering stopped in to say hello and told Commissioner Carlson that if the County needs anything looked at to call.
Public Hearing on the finding that CDBG Planning Grant is exempt of the Environmental Review Process according to Section 58.34 (a)(1).
There were no public comments. No one attended.
Treasurer Hetrick gave Commissioner Carlson a quote from Black Mountain for software to manage the TIF District funds.
Commissioner Borner joined the meeting.
There was no public comment.
Item #2 to discuss and vote on hiring an Engineering firm for the Central Commons structural issues was tabled. The Commissioners are going to send a letter to Collaborative Design Architects to have a meeting. Item #3 to open and vote on bids for the bathroom repair at the County Complex until we get more bids.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review the 2019-2020 PCT Renewal Schedule Acknowledgement Form submitted by MACo. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. The Commissioners talked to Cody Samuelson with Key Insurance and they were told they could submit the form and then amend totals at a later date.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve and sign the Zoning Compliance Form for gravel in Sec. 9, T-10-N, R-31-E submitted by WHC/Fred Winkler. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve Designating Commissioner Nicole Borner as Environmental Certifying Official for a CDBG Planning Grant. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the Determination that the CDBG Planning Grant is exempt of the Environmental review Process. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve to submit the CDBG Planning Grant application requesting $20,250.00 with $6,250.00 match to conduct a PAR for Old High School & Indoor Pool Facility. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion and wanted it mentioned that the $6,250.00 match is being paid by the Swimmers Forever and not the County.
No further business.
Last modified: March 4, 2019