February 25, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 8:40 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Carlson were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Victim Witness Advocate Tami Allen met with the Commissioners to let them know she is applying for a Board of Crime Control Grant.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the Agenda with changes that the 1:00 meeting with Collaborative Design was cancelled and the County Agent will be coming in at that time. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the February 20, 2019 minutes with a few typo changes and Commissioner Borner wanted it noted that she had already sent the letter of clarification to the Chair and Committee members regarding HB403. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner went to the Central Montana Health District Board meeting. They have a new template for the resolution for being a part of the District. Commissioner Borner will bring in the paperwork for the other Commissioners to review next week. Musselshell County pays $15,883.00 to be a part of the District. Commissioner Berry and Carlson did not attend any Board meetings.
Commissioner Berry gave the other Commissioners a printout of the utilities payed at the Wells Fargo building. Mr. Berry thinks they need to talk to Accounting Supervisor Angel to see if it is feasible to go forward with a possible purchase. Mr. Berry also thinks that they should schedule a walk through of the building to see how they would use it. They will also have to hire a real estate agent for the sale even though Mr. Berry is a licensed agent and could save the County some money he knows there would be some adversity to him being the agent from the public.
Commissioner Carlson said the Bids for Extension Office will be worked on as soon as the weather breaks.
Commissioner Borner said they haven’t moved forward with storage in Courtroom.
The steps at the Courthouse is on hold for now because of the weather and they need to look at the budget.
Fred Wifp from the Sunset Colony called the Commissioner’s to ask about any building permits the County requires for a hog barn they ae building. The Commissioner told him that the County does not require permits but they should get ahold of the Building inspector and he may direct him to any other permits that may be required.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. There is a County resident that has a Boiler’s License that is willing to help her with the boiler if there is ever a need. Ms. Jett gave a copy of his license to the Commissioners. The snow on the walk way in front of the County Agents office is too deep for her to get to because the State keeps plowing the snow from Highway 12 East onto it. They need to hire someone with bigger equipment to remove the snow.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The Sheriff’s budget was discussed and Mr. Lesnik told the Commissioners that there are some things that are going to need purchased in the near future. The tasers that they use are not going to be supported by the company they got them from after this year and the cameras in the cars are going to need updated because they are obsolete now. Mr. Lesnik hopes to sell the generator that was confiscated to purchase the tasers.
Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Kenner told the Commissioners that MDT is going to have a representation for “major collectors, secondary roads and TSIP” at the Spring MACo meeting and thinks the Commissioners as well as Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert should attend. Mr. Stockert had a conversation with Melinda Goodwin with FEMA and was told that the silt at the ball fields and fairgrounds needs to be taken to an approved land fill and if the County decides to keep that part of the project, they may have to hire someone to move the silt because it is getting to be the busy season for the Road Department and may not have the time or the equipment. The 4H Road can be put in the project mitigation as a low water crossing area. Ms. Goodwin was called. Commissioner Carlson asked what happens if they are in the middle of a project and another incident occurs. Ms. Goodwin said it would be added to the project. (Accounting Supervisor Angel joined the meeting) Ms. Goodwin asked if there was an engineering report? Commissioner Carlson said that there was one done by the Roundup Reach Program and will send it to her. The Commissioners told Ms. Goodwin they will call her back with their decision on what project they are going to do. Ms. Angel said that she talked to County Agent Walter about the bathrooms at Cowbelles and he said that the septic is bad and the drain field got filled in. Commissioner Borner will call the Sanitarian to find out what can be done about the drain field. Ms. Kenner will make some calls and try to get an estimate on contracting out to remove the silt. Commissioner Borner said that if we can’t get the numbers by the end of the day, they will have another meeting posted in 48 hours to decide. ( there will be a public meeting Thursday February 28 at 11:00 in the Commissioners office) All Commissioners agreed that they should go with the low water crossing for 4H Road as a project.
Accounting Supervisor Angel gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The auditors are not here today due to the weather but are supposed to be working on it remotely. Commissioner Berry asked if she would get the numbers together on what we pay for at the County Complex building and told her about the numbers we received for the Wells Fargo building. The estimate for the step at the Courthouse were $22,000.00 and it was discussed if they should take it out of this year’s budget or next years. Ms. Angel will check.
Ambulance Director Solberg gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. He gave them a letter regarding vacation time extensions. Commissioner Borner will call MACo for clarity on the extension and also thinks that it should be put before the Supervisors at the Department Head meeting about tracking vacation time. Mr. Solberg asked if the County land by the Ambulance Barn that is on the agenda today for decision to put up for sale be taken off the list and held for possible parking? The Commissioners will take it off the list.
DES Coordinator Fisher met with the Commissioner about the presentation of the State Fire Permit System. Mr. Fisher recommends that the Commissioners do it. They will be doing a public meeting for residents regarding the changes.
County Agent Walter met with the Commissioners with an update & assessment of the fairgrounds before he leaves.
Public comment;
Jacob Hochstetler, Eli Yoder, Dave Liggett, Pam Liggett, Floyd Fisher and Randy Kehl were present.
Mr. Yoder said he was here about the relocation of #4 Road and asked what was going to happen to the old road. Commissioner Borner said that it will be abandoned. Mr. Yoder asked if it would be possible to get an easement for the old road for their buggies so they can stay off of Highway 12 East. Commissioner Borner said that it was a very fair point and concern and she would talk to Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert. Mr. Fisher said he will also talk to City Council at the next meeting since the City owns the property.
End of public comment.
Item #1 to discuss and vote on hiring an Engineering firm for Central Common’s structural issues was tabled until after the March 11, 2019 meeting with Collaborative Design. Item #3 to discuss and sign the Oil & Gas Lease for 189 Energy Group, LLC for various properties in Musselshell County was tabled until after review by the County Attorney. Item #7 to discuss and vote on the Musselshell County Commissioner’s preserving the audio and recorded meetings for availability to the public was tabled until they can gather information for other options. Item #8 to discuss and vote on having MACo provide training regarding the proper and professional way to treat County Officials and employees was tabled until more information can be gathered.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to discuss the letter from the Roundup Mesa Landowners Association regarding their By Laws. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Carlson talked to Charles Gettelman the Interim President of the Association and they are updating their by-law and covenants through an Attorney who suggested provisions 3, 11, 13 and 14 be removed to where the Commissioners do not have to review. Provision 12 needs to be reviewed by the Subdivision Administration. Commissioner Carlson made the motion to grant permission for the change. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to review and sign Resolution 2019-12 Requesting Distribution of Local Government Road Construction and Maintenance Match Program Funds. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
After removing #2 from the list Commissioner Carlson made the motion to Sell County Owned Properties. 1. Park Addition, Block 3, The West Half of Lots 1 & 2, 2. 2nd Addition to Roundup, Block 3, Lots 7 & 8 3. Townsite of Melstone, Block 18, Lots 4, 5 & 6 and 4. Tract 3 of COS 1973-1 in Section 33, T-11-N, R-31-E. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried. Block 3, Lots 7 & 8 in the 2nd Addition to Roundup will not be sold at this time.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Resolution 2019-13 Regarding the Investigation of Cameron Road. There was not a seconded. Motion failed. Commissioner Borner said that this would not need to be in a Resolution.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Certificate of Survey 2019-2RB for Lots 33A, 34A, 35A & 36A in Section 20, T-8-N, R-26-E submitted by James and Holly Nelson. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion after making sure this was reviewed and approved by the Subdivision Administration. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Certificate of Survey 2019-3 Cutters Corner Minor Subdivision Tracts 1 & 2 of the S1/2 of the SE1/4 of Section 20, T-6-N, R-24-E submitted by Tim Rogers. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion after making sure this was reviewed and approved by the Subdivision Administration. Motion carried.
Meeting Closed.
Last modified: July 30, 2019