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Commissioner’s Minutes June 10, 2019

June 25, 2019

Commissioner’s Minutes June 10, 2019


June 10, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson were not present so there would not be a normal day’s business but Commissioner Carlson is going to call in for 3:00 business and Commissioner Berry may be in for the 3:00 business portion of the meeting also.

Commissioner Borner said that she did not have anything to change on the agenda for the day.

Commissioner Borner had a correction on spelling and to clarify a sentence on the agenda from June 3, 2019.

Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson attended the District 6 meeting on Friday June 7, 2019 in Stanford and rode up together. While at the meeting they met with Paul Johnson and Andy White from Montana Department of Transportation regarding the Secondary Roads Program.  Goulding Creek Road is on the list but there are 4 above it and could possibly take 8 years to get to.

Director of Technology Toombs met with Commissioner Borner to give an update on the Black Mountain cloud.  The system is up and running but they are still working on the timecard piece. There is a new computer in Accounting and Victim Witness.  They are making progress.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to Commissioner Borner.  There are new keys made for the Musselshell County Central Commons. The sprinkler system here in the Courthouse yard is getting the shed wet.  If Ms. Jett can’t get them turned to not be hitting the building, they may move it. There is a problem with the air-conditioning at the Complex. The front offices get the sun and they are much warmer.  Window units may have to be purchased. Ms. Jett is going to call Culligan’s to see how much it would be to install a water softener at the Commons. The boiler at the Courthouse will be cleaned June 11, 2019.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to Commissioner Borner. The budget for this year will be exactly the same as last year except moving some funds around. Commissioner Borner and Sheriff Lesnik will be doing an interview on Thursday June 13, 2019.

Deb Adolph joined the meeting to observe.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Borner will talk to Tara Depuy this week regarding the alteration of #4 Road.  We are hoping to get an interim accountant soon. Mr. Stockert does not think we should try to claim the Ragged Point Road wash out with FEMA. A preliminary design for #4 Road needs to be sent to Paul Johnson at the Montana Department of Transportation.

Mary Drenning met with Commissioner Borner regarding parking on a County easement for an animal fund raiser.

Treasurer Hetrick, Kathy Pfister and Clerk & Recorder Tomassi met with Commissioner Borner. Ms. Hetrick gave Commissioner Borner a list of outstanding checks that need written off.  The south facing handicap door is not closing properly and a memo will go out to all employees to make sure it is secure. Interim help in accounting and budgets were discussed.  Ms. Pfister discussed the next steps for Senate bill 35 regarding the creation of the interdisciplinary child information and school safety team.

Ambulance Director Solberg met with Commissioner Borner and gave her pamphlets from a meeting he attended on June 6, 2019 regarding the CodeRed Weather Warning solution overview that was presented by Becki Gallahan with Onsolve.  Also discussed was 911 Law revisions.

Public comment.

Dave Liggett was present.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Carlson called in and Commissioner Berry came in for the 3:00 business.

Item #1 to vote on adopting a new procedure for how claims are processed was tabled for another week for Commissioner review.


Commissioner Berry made the motion to discuss voting on a Term Contract from Stahly Engineering for Farrel Bridge. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion.  Commissioner Berry asked if they were asked about a culvert instead of a bridge.  Commissioner Borner said she was told that the bridge is the most beneficial way to go. Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Term Contract from Stahly Engineering for the Farrel Bridge project.  Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the AIP Grant Application Airfield Pavement Rehabilitation at the Roundup Municipal Airport submitted by Interstate Engineering, Inc. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Commissioner Carlson made the motion to discuss appointing a County Commissioner Representative and Consumer Representative to serve on the Area II Agency on Aging Advisory Board Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Commissioner Carlson said he would be fine being the representative for the Board. They will call the present Consumer Representative Florence Wacker to see if she wants to be on the Board again. (June 11, 2019, Ms. Wacker agreed to remain on the Board.) Commissioner Berry made the motion to appoint Commissioner Carlson as the Commissioner Representative for the Area II Agency on Aging Advisory Board.  Commissioner Borner seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn.  Motion carried.

On Thursday June 13, 2019 Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson had a meeting in their office to discuss an HR issue.  Commissioner Berry called in to participate in the meeting.

Last modified: July 30, 2019

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