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Commissioner’s Minutes June 11, 2018

June 19, 2018

June 11, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry was present. Commissioner Goffena was absent.

The minutes from the May 29th and June 4th meeting were not reviewed or approved by all Commissioners.

Road and Bridge Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Supervisor Stockert was not present due to working on roads. #4 Road and Melstone/Custer Road are now open. They opened the one and only bid for the Truck/Sander/Snowplow that was submitted by Motor Power out of Billings.

International 2019 = $179,632.00

Kenworth     2019 = $180,989.00

Commissioner Borner made the motion to submit the bid to Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert for review and recommendation. Commissioner Berry second the motion.  Motion carried.

Weed Coordinator Beck and Accounting Supervisor Angel went over the Weed Department budget.

DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The Riverside FEMA PDMC project is complete and they should be closing on the Lekse project this Wednesday.  Commissioner Berry asked that Mr. Fisher contact Fish Wildlife and Parks about the lease for the proposed fishing access at the Riverside property. The truck was damaged pretty badly from the hail storm and they have not heard from an adjuster so they have been using a truck on loan from the Sheriff Department.

Mayor Jones met with the Commissioners to discuss a new Inter-local Agreement with the Court Services regarding the Justice of the Peace. Woody Weistzeil and Justice of the Peace Marsh were present. Mayor Jones would like the court office moved for safety reasons when people are paying fines but the City would still provide the Courtroom.  Ms. Marsh purposed the Commissioners do a Resolution for the Justice of the Peace to act as judge for the City of Roundup. Ms. Marsh also thinks that the City Court Judge should have a salary. Mayor Jones said that if the City has to pay for a judge they will have to off -set the money somewhere and she will take it before the City Council to see what they say.  The Commissioners said that they will need to move people around to find office space and there are a lot of factors to think about.  They will get back to them.

Under Sheriff Lesnik met with the Commissioners. Mr. Lesnik will be going to a meeting with the Montana Sheriff’s Office and Peace Officers Association on Thursday regarding a Legislative Session for motions hearings and under hearings to change to were sign and sound will suffice for hearings. Options and ideas for a new jail were discussed. Mr. Lesnik asked about insurance for the hail damage? The Commissioners are going to call MACO.  They will be putting requests for applications for 2 new positions in October.

Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corp. gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Amy Angel was present. Mr. Qualman would like the County Attorney to send a letter to Cucancic Construction regarding the unfinished work done on the Musselshell County Central Commons.  Mr. Qualman will supply a list of issues to be included. There are a few things that need done before the Health Inspector will sign the Certification of Completion for the Commons.

Brenda Vescovi with the Council on Aging told the Commissioners that the Council thinks they need to have an Attorney look at the Lease Agreement for the Commons before they will sign it.

Public Comment:

Adam Carlson, Pam Liggett and Deb Adolph were present.

No Public Comment.

Item #1 to vote on a Lease/Rent/Use Agreement for the Musselshell County Central Commons and Item #2 to Decide on and sign the Letter of Acceptance upping the per capita contribution by Musselshell County to the Mental Health Center in the amount of .74 = $3,487.64, .50 = $2,294.51 or .37 = 1697.93 were tabled until next week.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to review and sign the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant Program Master Contract Task Order 19-07-5-01-033-0 that covers the periods of July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2019 submitted by the Department of Public Health and Human Services. Commissioner Borner second the motion.  Motion carried.

There being no more business the meeting closed at 3:14




Last modified: March 4, 2019

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