Commissioner’s Minutes June 17, 2019
June 17, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Carlson was present. Commissioner Berry was absent.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda as is. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the June 10, 2019 minutes as amended after Commissioner Borner wanted added that Commissioner Carlson called in for the 3:00 business portion of the meeting and Commissioner Berry came in for the 3:00 business portion of the meeting and Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson met on June 13, 2019 to discuss an HR issue and Commissioner Berry called in for the meeting and to clarify that Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson drove together to the June 7, 2019 District 6 meeting. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson had no board meetings. On June 13 Commissioner Borner attended an RCP (Roundup Community Partners) meeting. They are supporting the next step for branding and supporting the City and rural economy reclamation. The ADA project for Main Street was talked about at the meeting. Commissioner Borner had a phone call from Greg Wilhelmi and Joe Young regarding the center line rumble strips. On June 11, 2019 Commissioner Borner went to the Musselshell Water Coalition meeting and they were discussing concerns for the Musselshell River from when the Gage bridge was redone, the gravel taken off private land may be changing the course of the river. June 19, 2019, Snowy Mountain Development Corp. is having their annual meeting and MRIC (Musselshell Rural Investment Corp.) is going to be receiving an Economic Development Award.
Kathy Pfister met with the Commissioners to discuss filling her position and to tell the Commissioners that she would like to move some old stuff that is in the vault to the basement of the County Complex. The Commissioners were fine with the move. Ms. Pfister would like a Commissioner to go to the transportation meeting for school bus routes.
Judge Spaulding, Justice of the Peace Marking, Andy Koval and Catherine Sercel met with the Commissioners regarding heating in the County Complex building. Half of the building is cold and the other half is hot and they feel that it is because of the sun shining on the old windows in the front of the building. Commissioner Borner said that the capital improvement fund should have enough money to change the windows and they should go out for bids to local contractors. Judge Spaulding suggested also having someone look at the air conditioner.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Kenner told the Commissioners that she has sent the preliminary engineering report for the approach onto Highway 12 E. for the alteration of #4 Road to the State. The Commissioners will talk to County Attorney Peterson today to see if he is going to help with “Quiet Claim” for the needed easement for the alteration. They will contact WWC Engineering about doing a survey for the project. The Commissioners are having meetings to figure out the accounting issues. They are going to hold off an getting an INTERCAP Loan for a used motor grader for a while and work on the matches for what grants they have. The Commissioners are going to leave the policy manual as it is regarding drug and alcohol pre-employment testing and 6-month probation. Last week they did blading on Horsethief, East and West Parrot, Fishel, Fattig, Chandler, Johnson and Four Mile. Today they are continuing on Fattig, Four Mile, Western and Alec Roy.
John Pfister met with the Commissioners to introduce the new County Agent Jennifer Fosjord. Commissioner Borner let her know there is going to be a Fair Board Meeting June 18, 2019 at 5:30 in the Commissioners office. Ms. Fosjord will be meeting with the Commissioners at 11:45 on meeting days.
Commissioner Borner had a report from Sheriff Lesnik who is in training and could not make the meeting. Deputy Potts handed in her resignation. There is a new Deputy that was hired under conditional employment until all back ground checks have come back.
City Works Supervisor Sibley met with the Commissioners to discuss the bathrooms at the fairgrounds and campground. New lines need put in but it can not be done right now because the water table is too high. It will be late fall or early winter before it can be done but Mr. Sibley will get with Keith Carter to do a temporary fix before the 4th of July festivities.
Weed Coordinator Beck met with the Commissioners regarding doing a “calibrating” class. There will be a cutting crew from Montana Conservation Corp. coming in to work on Salt Cedar trees in Melstone and was wondering if the Commissioners would like them to do any trees on the River Walk? Both Commissioners said yes. Ms. Beck is trying to find out who the contractor was that did the dirt work for Mid-Rivers fiber optic project on Dean Creek.
DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The “Public Comment” period for the Flood Plain Permits ends on June 28, 2019. Mr. Fisher now has 3 young people working with him and they are mowing some County owned property.
There was a telephone conference with Sanders County Clerk & Recorder Nichol Scribner. Clerk & Recorder Tomassi and Treasurer Hetrick were present. Commissioner Borner asked for advice and guidance on helping figure out the official duties the Treasurer’s Office and Clerk & Recorders Office are supposed to be doing that was being done by accounting. Ms. Scribner will be sending all documents that should be done monthly. Ms. Scribner also gave the name and number of someone who contracts out with cash records that may be able to help.
Mark Qualman met with the Commissioners and had a bid proposal for jobs that need done to finish up hail damage that will be going into the paper for 3 weeks. The bids will need to be in by July 15, 2019.
Public comment:
Jim Borner was present.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to remove item #1 to Vote on adopting a new procedure for how claims are processed from the 3:00 business and put it on the “old business portion of the agenda. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to appoint Florence Wacker as the Consumer Representative for Area II Agency on Aging Advisory Board. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the procedure agreement with Wipfli and Musselshell/Golden Valley/Witness/Victim Assistance Program. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners to give them the accounts receivable for May.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Last modified: July 30, 2019