June 24, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 8:33 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda as amended after adding an Encroachment Permit for #4 Road submitted by C. Brewer and for Fattig Creek by Signal Peak Energy. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the June 17, 2019 minutes after a few changes. Commissioner Borner did not meet with Mr. Wilhelmi and Mr. Jones regarding the center line rumble strips, she had phone conversations with them and the new Deputy was hired under conditional employment until all back ground checks came in. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Berry did not sign the minutes due to the fact that he was not present for the meeting.
Commissioner Carlson did not have any Board meetings but will be meeting tonight June 24th, with fire department guys and EMT’s regarding how the paperwork for VSIS Insurance needs completed.
Commissioner Borner had a Fair Board meeting June 20, 2019 to introduce the new County Agent Jennifer Fosjord. They discussed the water issue at the fairgrounds. Keith Carter did a temporary fix for the 4th of July so there is running water in some places. Ms. Fosjord will be doing a webinar with the Montana Tourism Bureau in July to see if there are any grants to apply for to fund vaulted latrines for the fairgrounds. Commissioner Borner attended the Snowy Mountain Development Corporation Annual Meeting on July 19, 2019. On June 20, 2019 Commissioner Borner attended the Coal Board meeting. The Road Department was awarded the funds for a new mower and 2 side arms, Hawk Creek VFD was awarded funding for materials for their new building and The City was awarded funding on contingencies for the next step of the water system. Commissioner Borner said that there are going to be changes at the Coal Board on how the funding is awarded. There are now going to be categories based on coal production in the community. Kathie Bailey from Snowy Mountain Development will be calling today to help explain the changes to the Commissioners. Commissioner Borner, Clerk & Recorder Tomassi and Treasurer Hetrick went to training for budgets with the Department of Administration on June 20, 2019. Commissioner Borner talked to Gary Barta with Barta Appraisals regarding getting an appraisal for a property that has a Flood Plain Violation on it. Mr. Barta request a written letter be sent that is noted the trailer that is in violation is NOT to be part of the appraisal. The letter will go out today.
Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson did claims on Wednesday June 19, 2019.
Commissioner Berry attended a MACo Healthcare Trust Board Budget meeting and went over how much each trust pays. There is a vacancy on the Trust Board. There will be another meeting in July.
Old business:
The Commissioners think Mark Qualman should do a walk through of the Wells Fargo building and then meet with Kathie Bailey from Snowy Mountain Development Corp to possibly find a grant for a feasibility study of the building.
An ad for a Bid Notice has been put into papers for hail damage repair. Bid proposals need to be in by July 15, 2019.
Commissioner Carlson told the Commissioners there will be a meeting with Bob Downey for forensic accounting on July 8, 2019.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Jett will check into front window air units at the County Complex. Ms. Jett will again try to contact Culligan Water to see about a water softener for the Commons. The water side of the boiler at the Courthouse needs cleaned out and Ms. Jett will be doing that as soon as possible.
Sheriff Lesnik met with the Commissioners to introduce new Deputy Jedidiah Olson. Everyone is getting ready for the 4th of July. Mr. Lesnik attended meeting at the Sheriffs Institute and they are going to be doing a Sheriff’s Office Policy Update. It is an online policy management programs that will stay up to date.
Road and Bridge Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. WWC Engineering will be doing the survey for the alteration of #4 Rd. They are still working on the Accounting Office restructure process. Ms. Kenner gave the Commissioners a copy of a letter of thanks to the Coal Board for awarding the Road Department funding for a mower and 2 flex arms. A resident called in about Western Road, Foothill Road and there was an e-mail about Four Mile Road. They are mowing #4 Road, continuing on Fattig Crk, blading on Four Mile and Jensen.
Brenda Vescovi with the Council on Aging met with the Commissioners to regarding a 15 % decrease for funding. Ms. Vescovi told the Commissioners the Commons is a great facility. In April they served 893 meals and 909 in May. To make those meals the money has to come out of the budget and she is not sure the $4.00 cost to the public is covering it. They are afraid if they raise the price or only do the meals twice a week, they will lose residents to the program. Commissioner Borner suggested that maybe it’s time to have a discussion about milling for the Council on Aging for better funding. Ms. Vescovi also said they are having a difficult time finding people to deliver Meals on Wheels Saturdays. Commissioner Borner told Ms. Vescovi to let the workers at the Commons know that if there are any maintenance issues to call the Maintenance Supervisor before calling dispatch & the Road Department. There was a discussion about communication when scheduling events at the Commons.
Treasurer Hetrick met with the Commissioners regarding budgets and payroll. They will be having a School Clerk meeting regarding those budgets. Ms. Hetrick is going to advertise for another clerk in her office.
County Agent Fosjord gave an update on the fairgrounds. There is running water but it is not potable. Signs are up regarding the water. Ms. Fosjord is meeting with groundskeeper Donahue about equipment and maintenance schedules. Ms. Fosjord will be in Ryegate on Tuesdays. Commissioner Borner let Ms. Forsjord know about the advertised bid notice and the mandatory meeting for anyone interested in a bid proposal on July 1, 2019 at the Extension Office.
Kathie Bailey and Sara Hudson with Snowy mountain Development had a phone conference with the Commissioners regarding the new requirements for Coal Board Grants. Ms. Bailey said she does not think Musselshell County will have a problem justifying there are needs for the grants. The “highwater report” for the Farmers Union Building is not back yet. Once it is, they can move forward with cleanup and demolition. Commissioner Borner will talk to DES Coordinator Fisher and have him send the EPA report to Ms. Bailey regarding the FEMA buyout properties and also a copy of the SHIPPO permits that were required and done in the application process.
Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners to let them know that there is water in the Ambulance Barn meeting room. The roof is in the process of being repaired.
Public comment:
Rose Emily Blum was present and wanted to update the Commissioner on the Homes on the Range Board. Ms. Blum is the Chairman; Dwayne Snook is the Vice Chair and Dolly Boyd is the Treasurer. They would like to add 2 new members to the Board, Donna Marsh as Secretary Treasurer for Resident Council and Robin Willis. Ms. Blum let the Commissioner know that they have fulfilled 2 different mortgages they had and they are now debt free. Hail repairs have been completed and they have a New Resident Manager Jeanne Huntley.
End of public comment.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to review and sign the Montana Wool Growers Association Predator Control Fund Memorandum of Understanding. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Discussion. Commissioner Berry they should do it but he does not think it’s fair to pay into the fund when there is very little feedback from them. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Resolution 2019-17 Ordering the Creation of the Musselshell County Interdisciplinary Child Information and School Safety Team. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Berry asked if this came out of Legislature. Commissioner Carlson told Commissioner Berry it was and it was SB35 and the County has already sent out the letters to the organizations involved. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review and sign Resolution 2019-18 for Authorizing Agents to Acquire Surplus Property in the Surplus Property Program. Discussion Commissioner Berry seconded the motion and said it looks like a good program and feels they should go with it. Commissioner Carlson said it has a lot of surplus vehicles the County could possible purchase to use for traveling instead of the cost of paying mileage. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve the Encroachment Permit for Section 17, Township 8 North, Range 26 East, on #4 Road submitted by C. Brewer upon Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockerts approval. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried. (approved by Road and Bridge Supervisor)
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve the Encroachment Permits for Section 9, Township 6 North, Range 27 East on Fattig Creek Road submitted by Signal Peak Energy upon Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockerts approval. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried. (approved by Road and Bridge Supervisor)
Greg Reid with WWC Engineering met with the Commissioners to find out the scope of work for the survey for the #4 road alteration project. The Commissioners suggested he meet with the Road Department to get the information. They also discussed the steps at the Sheriff’s Office.
Elected Salary Compensation Board meeting opened for comment at 5:07 p.m. Commissioner Borner, Commissioner Berry, Commissioner Carlson, Clerk & Recorder Tomassi, Treasurer Hetrick, Clerk of District Court Halverson, County Attorney Peterson, Justice of the Peace Marking and Sheriff Lesnik were present for the meeting. Citizens Derin Gebhardt, and Patty Pfeiffer were also present for meeting. Clerk & Recorder Tomassi took minutes for the meeting.
County Attorney Peterson handed out a salary survey regarding other County Attorney’s and he gave an analysis of why he thought he deserved a large raise.
Clerk & Recorder Tomassi made a motion for all the elected officials to receive a 2.4% cost of living adjustment. Treasurer Hetrick and Sheriff Lesnik seconded the motion. Discussion followed regarding salaries.
After discussion the motion was made to except the 2.4% cost of living adjustment. All in favor aye, all opposed nay. Commissioner Berry opposed and wants more salary surveys completed prior to decision.
May Payroll = $111,558.20 Check # = 23660 – 23683
May Claims = $255,192.49 Check # = 65079 – 65235
Last modified: July 30, 2019