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Commissioner’s Minutes June 4, 2018

June 19, 2018

June 4, 2018

The meeting was called to order at 9:00 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Goffena and Berry were not present.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Commissioner Borner signed a letter to a landowner regarding a partial re-route of #4 Road. There are a lot of culverts washed out and they are checking roads in the eastern and southern districts.

Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly reports to the Commissioners and gave an update on the storm that went through Roundup on May 31, 2018. They will be calling Key Insurance for any hail damage done to the Jail.

DES Coordinators Fisher and Russel gave their weekly reports to the Commissioners. Accounting Supervisor Angel was present. The DES vehicle was damaged pretty badly by the hail. The EMPG (emergency management planning grant) was reduced by $4,000.00 a year. They continue to keep watching the river. There were pre evacuations.  The FMA (flood mitigation assistance) property owned by the Carson’s was evacuated.  Key Insurance will be contacted for hail damage.

Public Comment:

Troy Evans, Deb Adolph Dave and Pam Liggett were present.

Ms. Adolph asked that we clarify that in the Public Comment from April 30, 2018 the question of what the status of the HR issue was not asked for Mr. Wade Rongen.

Public Comment closed.

Item #1 to vote on a Lease/Rent/Use Agreement for the Musselshell County Central Commons and Item #2 to decide on and sign the Letter of Acceptance upping the per capita contribution by Musselshell County to the Mental Health Center in the amount of .74 = $3,487.64, .50 = $2,294.51 or .37 = 1697.93 were tabled due to the lack of a quorum.

June 6, 2018. Commissioner Borner was in the office on a phone conference with Commissioner Berry voting on signing the Wipfli Audit change order and the Application for Funding for the TSEP Grant to move forward with the Goffena Bridge replacement, they also agreed to signing 2 warrants to Cucancic Construction..

May Payroll = $114,196.44                                                                 May Claims = $650,717.55

Check # =23240 – 23273                                                                    Check# = 63305 – 63460


Last modified: March 4, 2019

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