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Commissioner’s Minutes May 13, 2019

May 20, 2019

May 13, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 8:36 by Commissioner Borner.  Commissioner Berry and Carlson were present.  Director of Technology Toombs was also present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Director of Technology Toombs had questions regarding the Counties Black Mountain Software conversion and where we are with the adding the cloud. Commissioner Borner said they want it installed and working before June 30, 2019.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda.  Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry mentioned a couple grammar and spelling errors on the minutes from May 6, 2019 and wanted added that after interviews the Commissioners hired Audrey Walleser as the new DES Coordinator.  Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the minutes as amended.  Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

None of the Commissioners had board meetings last week. Commissioner Borner has a Regional Juvenile Detention Board and Central Montana Health District Board meeting this week.

Old Business:

Commissioner Berry would like to have Mark Qualman do a walk through of the Wells Fargo Building to move forward.

Commissioner Borner said Servpro will be at the Extension Office this week to tarp the roof for further work.

The resident with a Flood Plain Violation agreed to have the property appraised for possible purchase by the County. Commissioner Borner wants to make sure they understand that the trailer that is on the property will not be part of the appraisal. Commissioner Berry said that the property is in violation and the violation could risk other residents in the County as well as the County itself with future programs and needs to be fixed.

Commissioner Borner said Kathie Bailey with Snowy Mountain Development Corporation told her that they will be doing the high-water assessment at the Farmers Union property this week. Commissioner Borner also suggested to the other Commissioners to try to mention to local organizations about supporting the Recreation Economy for Rural Communities Planning Grant.

Commissioner Borner and Carlson had a working session with Cody Samuelson from Key Insurance to review property insurance values on Tuesday May 14, 2019.

Commissioner Borner and Berry met with the MSU Billings Chancellor, staff and Foundation Chairman Bill Kennedy regarding educational opportunities for teachers, students & community on Thursday May 16, 2019.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners.  There is 1 more week for applications to be turned in for help. Ms. Jett is going to get the snow tractor/blower maintained.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners.  Steve’s Fire is doing County fire extinguisher inspections today and tomorrow.  They will have Billings Extinguishing do the hood inspection at the Commons. There was a notice to residents on Fattig Creek that was put out on the DES Facebook page, on the radio and the County website.  The Commissioners are going to ask the County Attorney if he is going assist with moving forward with the alteration of #4 Road or if they are going to need to hire out. Blading this week will start on E. Parrot then move to Chandler, W. Parrot. Blading will continue on Mosby and Melstone Custer.  They are continuing improvements on Fattig Creek.   Mr. Stockert let the Commissioners know that the oil field trucks are tearing up Big Wall and Griffith Roads.

Sheriff Lesnik, Victim Witness Advocate Allen and County Attorney Peterson met with the Commissioners to discuss grant options and future funding for the Victim Witness position.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They had the Sheriff Sale on May 10, 2019.  The generator did not sell and they discussed possibly using it as an emergency generator for the Courthouse.  The Commissioners told Mr. Lesnik to proceed with the purchase of the service dog. The budget for the Sheriff Department was discussed and nothing will need changed.

Auditors Tony Gerharz and Kimberly Dare with Wipfli met with the Commissioners. Treasurer Hetrick and Kathy Pfister were present. The outstanding audits and having a forensic audit done were discussed.  They are almost done with 2015 and would like to finish that so they would like to have a separate forensic auditor. The Commissioners need to find out how far back they are going to need to go for the forensic audit.  Ms. Pfister asked for some guidance with the school audit.

DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They received word from Fish Wildlife and Parks about the Flood Plain permits submitted and they are good.  Mr. Fisher will meet with the Conservation District on May 16, 2019 with permits for the structures in the City limits. Paper work was done for a young man for the HRDC work program.  He should be starting this week.

Greg Wilhelmi, Charles Mitchell, Bob Atchison, Joe Young, and Ed McClain met with the Commissioners regarding the noise made from the center line rumble strips on Highway 87 South. Mr. Wilhelmi had the Rumble Strip Implementation Guideline book and said there were many violations when the strips were put in. He had written a letter to the State 2 years ago trying to mitigate the noise concerns and there was a reply back saying they were going to be working on filling the strips in 2018 or 2019 and so far, nothing has been done.  Commissioner Berry said he is on the Transportation Committee and has brought the subject up 2 different times and it seemed like it fell on deaf ears. There is a District 6 meeting on June 7, 2019 and the Montana Department of Transportation will be there and they will write a letter as a Board to the MDT regarding the issue and will stay on top of it.

Weed Coordinator Beck met with the Commissioners to review her budget.

Ambulance Director Solberg gave his weekly report to the Commissioners.  Accounts payables were given to the Commissioners.   Mr. Solberg would like a memo to go out regarding new identification badges for County employees.

Casey Collins from Congressman Gianforte’s Office visited with the Commissioners with an update from the Legislative Session and to ask if there is anything they can do for Musselshell County.  Commissioner Borner told Mr. Collins that they are working on the economic development of the County and trying to create quality of living for the residents and we are working with Snowy Mountain Development Corporation on the Recreation Economy for Rural Communities Planning Grant.

Public Comment:

Dave Liggett, Floyd Fisher and Greg Reid from WWC Engineering were present.

No public comment.

At the beginning of business Commissioner Borner wanted to make a correction on the first item. This property is NOT to be added to the FEMA buyout.  It is a property that has a Flood Plain violation on it.

Item 3 and 4 to review and sign an Oil & Gas Lease from Sage Energy, LLC for various properties in Musselshell County were tabled until they get more information.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to discuss getting an appraisal for a property with a Flood Plain violation. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.  Discussion: Commissioner Berry said this is a problem for us and the appraisal will help with the process. Commissioner Borner said it is the correct way to do it and the County can’t pay more than the appraisal and it also needs to be clear that the trailer on the property will not be a part of the appraisal.  Commissioner Carlson said the big concern was if it’s not addressed it can hurt everyone with flood plain insurance but we can not let this set precedence, that this has been a multiple year issue that has been trying to get done at the lowest expense for the County instead of our County Attorney or a different attorney and those legal fees. Commissioner Carlson amended his motion to vote for getting the appraisal for a property with a Flood Plain Violation.  Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to discuss and vote on hiring a Forensic Accountant. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion.  Motion carried. Commissioner Carlson said that it was requested by the Bureau of Crime Control and thinks it should start with a more focused investigation into the crime grant programs and if it needs expanded, we can do it. Commissioner Berry said he didn’t understand why we were going to that length.  Commissioner Borner said there were a lot of red flags in the past couple of weeks on the Board of Crime Control Grant that never was and we need to do our due diligence.  Commissioner Borner said that when they sign the audits their names are on it and we are responsible for the health of the County finances. Commissioner Carlson said they need to make sure.  Commissioner Borner asked all in favor? Commissioner Carlson and Commissioner Carlson said Aye.  Commissioner Berry said Nay.  Motion carried.

End of the business meeting.

Greg Reid with WWC Engineering met with the Commissioners regarding the RFP(request for proposals) ad in the paper.  WWC will be doing a proposal and asked the Commissioners how many road and bridge projects the County thought they had. There is the Farrel Bridge, 4H Road low water crossing and possibly the Delphia Bridge.

Clerk of Court Halverson met with the Commissioners to review her budget.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.








Last modified: July 30, 2019

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