May 29, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
Joe Mattern met with the Commissioners regarding a culvert on Horsethief Road that is causing flooding. Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert told Mr. Mattern that it is a State culvert.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Secretary Kenner was also present. There is another grader down with a motor issue. It needs to be know that the County does NOT own the Rail Road Right of Way on #4 road where it is closed due to flooding. They are going to work on doing a Resolution to create an alternate route to avoid flooding. Once the water goes down they will be pumping #4 Road. They are going to get something in writing from MACo regarding Holiday worked compensation.
Kathy Pfister met with the Commissioners to let them know that the “Senior” page is on the County website. Once it is cleaned up there will be pictures and then the “Commons” page will be worked on.
Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Commissioner Goffena said that he was on the tour of the Department with the Safety Committee and they really need to do something because it is in really bad shape.
Victim Witness Advocate Allen reviewed her budget with the Commissioners and Accounting Supervisor Angel.
Justice of the Peace Marsh reviewed her budget with the Commissioners and Accounting Supervisor Angel.
DES Coordinators Fisher and Russell gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Accounting Supervisor Angel was also present. There was a Musselshell County Emergency Declaration done on May 27, 2018. They are monitoring the river closely. The paperwork for the FEMA PDM ( pre disaster mitigation) for the Lekse property. There is also an Official Offer Letter for the Carsons in the amount of $245,000.00. They have finalized the burning permit for the Eiselein FEMA FMA (flood mitigation assistance) property. They will be re-writing the job description for DES.
Accounting Supervisor Angel met with the Commissioners regarding handling “public information”, holiday worked pay and a personnel issue.
Public comment on Environmental Impact for a new call system and bed replacement project at Roundup Memorial Hospital:
There was no public comment.
Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corp. gave his weekly report to the Commissioners regarding the Musselshell County Central Commons. Stan Pisle, Brenda Vescovi and Jeri Korenko were present. Mr. Qualman had a list of things that are going to need attention before the Commons renovation is complete. Mr. Qualman will be working on this and with the Contractor to clean up the outside finish. Mr. Qualman will get back to the Commissioners with the cost. We will need to get local quotes on a folding door that can be locked for the Food Bank. Hoping to get the Certificate of Occupancy by the end of the week. Mr. Qualman told the Commissioners that there should be a report on the Jail structure by Friday.
A representative of Northwest Energy ( name not received) met with the Commissioners to let them know that they need to do some trimming and possible removal of some trees on County owned property. All Commissioners agreed.
Commissioner Borner mentioned that she would like to get proposals for ceiling fans with LED lighting in the Commissioner’s office. When it is hot the air condition is very loud and opening window’s is loud also.
Troy Evans entered the meeting.
Brian Adolph called the Commissioners giving history of the Old Central School and the process was that was started 8 years ago and wanted to offer his support to the Seniors and the space.
Ambulance Director Solberg reviewed his budget with the Commissioners and Accounting Supervisor Angel.
Airport Manager Gebhardt reviewed his budget with the Commissioners and Accounting Supervisor Angel.
Safety Coordinator Manderfeld reviewed his budget with the Commissioners and Accounting Supervisor Angel.
Weed Coordinator Beck reviewed some of her budget with the Commissioners and Accounting Supervisor Angel. Ms. Beck will meet with the Commissioners again on June 11, 2018.
Public Comment:
Stan Pisle, Brenda Vescovi, Troy Evans, Lisa Laliberte’, Larry Lekse, Dorothy McConnell, Irene Carson, Charles Carson, Deb Adolph and Gene DesJarlais were present.
Mr. Pisle said he would like the Commissioners to come to an agreement on the Seniors Services.
Ms. Vescovi also said she would like the agreement with the Senior Services signed as soon as possible.
Ms. Lilaberte said that if the Commissioner tables signing the agreement with the Senior Services again, she would like a work study session to be able to move forward.
Mr. Lekse was here again to support the Seniors and give them what they were promised. The Commissioners are doing a great job but need to do what is right.
Ms. McConnell was here to say that they would like to share the use of the Commons but she would like to continue having Bingo on Saturdays.
No other public comment.
Public Comment closed.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to discuss on a Lease/Rent/Use Agreement for the Musselshell County Central Commons and suggestions from the Council on Aging pertaining to the agreement. Commissioner Borner second the motion and wanted it noted that the Seniors do have priority at the Commons and scheduling events, but it is the only food compliant kitchen in town and it is important for tax payers to have access to it especially since it is a County funded facility. The agreement is being used to protect the County. After discussion Commissioner Berry amended his motion based on some changes in the agreement, to vote on the agreement next week. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to declare that there is minuscule Environmental Impact for the Coal Board Grant for a new call system and bed replacement project at Roundup Memorial Healthcare. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve and sign the official offer letter of $245,000.00 from Musselshell County for the Musselshell River Acquisition Project to Charles & Irene Carson. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Goffena wanted it noted that he is concerned about it being irrigated land as FEMA does not protect irrigated land.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign the Encroachment Permit for an approach in Section 7, T-9-N, R-29-E, 4 Mile Road submitted by Oren ‘Joe” Ford on the approval of Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert. Commissioner Berry second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the Zoning Compliance form for a gravel pit in Section 9, T-10-N, R-31-E, 3 miles North of the HWY 500 and HWY 12 Junction submitted by Oftedal Construction. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and sign the Future Fisheries Improvement Program Grant Application for the Davis Mine Reclamation and Musselshell River Restoration. Commissioner Berry second the motion noting that he has many concerns about Musselshell County being responsible for maintenance for 20 years. Motion carries.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to suspend the rules for the Emergency Mill Levy for the 2 Mills from the Emergency Declaration. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to enact the Emergency Mills. Commissioner Berry Second the motion. Motion carried.
Meeting closed for an interview.
There was a let signed by Commissioner Goffena giving approval for the remaining 2 Commissioners to be able to use his signature stamp on any papers, letters or forms as long as they both agree on the issue of said papers, letters or forms while he is out of the Country.
Last modified: March 4, 2019