November 26, 2018
The meeting was called to order at 9:03 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner was present. Commissioner Berry was absent.
The minutes from the November 13 and 19, 2018 meeting were reviewed and approved by the Commissioners present.
Old Business:
Old ambulance barn roof- Need to talk to Ron Solberg and see if he has made any calls
Roof on new ambulance barn. Same as above
Bids for the Extension Office- Mark Qualman is coming today and Commissioner Borner will ask him.
Offer from Larry Lekse- waiting on other bids
Relocation of #4 Road.-Trying to contact land owners
Windows at Central Commons/Courthouse- waiting on bids
Wells Fargo Building- Commissioner Berry is absent so we don’t know if he called them or not.
Road and Bridge Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ryan Hutchinson with RDO was present with 2 bids for the used motor grader. Commissioner Goffena made the motion to take under advisement and give to Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert for recommendation. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. There will be a meeting in the Commissioner’s office December10, 2018 at 1:00 with the Road Department, Montana Department of Transportation and others regarding the incident on November 7, 2018 on Highway 87. They are still working on contacting land owners and lease owners for the re-location of #4 Road. Mr. Stockert met with Scott Graham from the DEQ regarding the old RR Right of Way on #4 Road. The DEQ will not be doing anything with it. Ms. Kenner thanked the Commissioners for the Christmas Gift Card. They are working on North Gage Road, Melstone Custer Road and Grazing District Road.
Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Thomas asked if there was any word on getting the impound yard building. Commissioner Borner said they will start looking into it again. They have 1 inmate and everything is going smoothly.
Ambulance director Solberg met with the Commissioners briefly. Commissioner Borner asked if he had made calls regarding getting the old ambulance barn and the new ambulance barn roofs repaired. Mr. Solberg said that he had not but will get the info together and make some calls.
DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Fisher will be working with The Environmental Protection Agency all week. Mr. Fisher said that he had a complaint from a resident about property the County acquired with the FEMA Grant not being maintained. Commissioner Borner said that she will contact Weed Coordinator Beck to check if there are any noxious weeds on the property and they will check into someone to take care of it starting this next spring. Commissioner Borner did say that it is supposed to be green space that goes back to a natural state. We will be working on a new fire Season Resolution that lays out a detailed price for burning without a burn permit.
County Agent Walter met with the Commissioners. Floyd Fisher was present. Mr. Walter had the Commissioners sign his FY2019 Share Agreement. Mr. Walter asked if the Commissioners knew anything about his bid package for hail damage repairs for his building. The Commissioners told him that they were going to be meeting with Mark Qualman today at 1:00 and would find out. Mr. Walter also said that he had not heard from Servpro regarding the removal of mold in the building. Commissioner Borner said that she will contact them. Mr. Fisher asked Mr. Walter if he would like to have any part of the fairgrounds to be part of the Presidential Declaration for repairs from the flooding. Mr. Walter will get the cost of fixing the Baseball Park together.
Commissioner Goffena and Borner met with Brian Johnson from Collaborative Design and Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corporation at the Musselshell County Central Commons to look over some settling issues that have come up. Mr. Johnson took some pictures and is going to get with his structural Engineer. They are also going to look into different doors.
Commissioner Borner talked with Mark Qualman about the bid package for the County Agent Office. Mr. Qualman said that he had sent the package to Accounting Supervisor Angel for the ok for cost. Mr. Qualman will generate a new package because his package had the removal of the mold in it. The mold removal will go to Servpro.
Public Comment:
Deb Adolph, Dolly Long, Kathy Burns, Ronnie Burns and County Attorney Peterson were present. Commissioner Berry was present via telephone. Clerk of Court Halverson was also present as a Canvasing Board Member. Ms. Long said that she had a letter she would like to read regarding the Canvas that was done on November 19, 2018. ( a copy was given to the Commissioners). County Attorney Peterson said that the letter is concerning something that is on the agenda for today and that public comment is for any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission that is not on the agenda and is not appropriate at this time because the canvas is done. No argument should be made today. They are only going to decide on if there were issues and is there any reason to petition for a recount and it does not affect candidate decision. Commissioner Berry asked if he can be in on the vote. County Attorney Peterson said it is only for the Canvasing Board.
Commissioner Goffena said that they will go to Item #2 on the agenda.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to discuss if the Canvasing Board may petition for a recount of Election Ballots for the Sheriff Race at the Cost of the County. Ms. Halverson seconded the motion. Commissioner Borner said that she visited with the County Attorney and MACo regarding this and she does not find any issue that would have changed the vote. They canvased the tape and tallies to find any anomalies and they did not change the outcome. Commissioner Goffena said that he does not agree. There were some thrown out such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. Commissioner Borer asked him to clarify that because she doesn’t remember that. Ms. Halverson said she didn’t remember that either. Commissioner Goffena said the under votes. They need to look at the votes and they do not have accurate totals. Commissioner Borner said that Precinct 5 & 6 did not do their abstract correctly. Commissioner Borner said the numbers I read off were the tallies. Ms. Halverson said and I added them up and by the Secretary of State Office, those were the numbers to use. Commissioner Borner said that we all signed the canvas and it was done as the Secretary of State told us to do and we did our due diligence. Ms. Halverson agreed with Commissioner Borner. Both Ms. Halverson and Commissioner Borner said they did they canvas the way they have always done them. Commissioner Goffena said we need to look at the votes. Both Commissioner Borner and Ms. Halverson said that they are not supposed to look at the votes. Commissioner Borner said that we called to make sure we were counting correctly and we were. Ms. Halverson agreed. Commissioner Borner said that Precinct 5 & 6 filled out there abstracts incorrectly but they were counting the tallies. End of discussion. County Attorney Peterson said that the vote at hand is will there be a recount. Ms. Halverson made the motion to deny having a recount. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Commissioner Goffena said Nay. Motion carried. The Canvasing Board will not petition for a recount.
Commissioner Goffena said that the vote on item #2 makes item #3 void.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to on purchase the 2005 International DX 25E brush blade mower for snow removal for maintenance at no more than $2,500.00. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
End of business.
Last modified: March 4, 2019