November 27, 2017
The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Borner and Berry were present.
The minutes from the November 20, 2017 meeting were reviewed and approved by Commissioner Goffena and Borner. Commissioner Berry did not review and approve because he was not present at the November 20, 2017 meeting.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Stockert is going to gather some numbers on replacing the departments 2010 Volvo truck. Ms. Kenner was given the report done by Interstate Engineering on Bridge Replacement Alternatives in 2010 and Musselshell County Bridges Status Report done in 2011. There will be a meeting planned with the department regarding availability and time cards. Roads bladed last week: Colony, Melstone-Custer, Hawk & Fishel Creek, Dailey, South, Sandbak, and the end of Griffin. Mowing was done in the Northern and Northeastern Districts and roads were dusted due to ice on Tuesday.
Sheriff Thomas gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. He is looking for fencing around the impound lot. Also is concerned with the departments gasoline budget. They have used a lot of it when covering fires. The Commissioners will talk to Accounting supervisor Angel about it.
Accounting Supervisor Angel met with the Commissioners. Ms. Angel thinks that if it is necessary the emergency fund can be used to reimburse gasoline from fires. The new time card dates will start in January.
Paula Snider met with the Commissioners to ask what she can do about getting her house back from the Tax Deed Sale that was done on October 30, 2017. All Commissioners agreed that all she had to do was pay he taxes, interest and penalties.
Secretary Hagstrom was absent after lunch.
Mark Qualman with Quest Service Corp gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. City Council Ordinance Officer Hoiland has asked the County to renew the Conditional Use Permits. Mr. Qualman and Brian Johnson from Collaborative Designs will look into it. The EOC ( emergency operations center) project is a few days passed deadline. Ambulance Director Solberg is working on it. Troy Evan stepped in to ask a few questions about the Central Commons Project.
Snowy Mountain Development Corp. Called about a letter from the Petroleum Comensation Board. The letter is for the County records.
There was no public comment.
Mark Qualman, Troy Evans, Amy Angel and Ron Solberg were present.
Item # 3 to discuss selling County property East of town on Highway 12 East was tabled until they test for water. Item #4 to discuss proceeding with the Design to Build for the Weed District was tabled until they get a Design to Build from the Weed Coordinator and test for water on the property East of town.
Commissioner Berry made the motion that they accept the bid from Cucancic Construction. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Discussion followed and it was decided that after a lot of discussion and with advice from legal counsel, the Commissioner should accept the bid from Cucancic and save the Musselshell County tax payers money instead of going out for new bids and advertising again. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to table the Purchase and Sale Agreement Between Roundup Public Schools, District #55 and Musselshell County for the purchase of the Central School. Tracts of land situated in Section 13, Township 8 North, Range 25 East P.M.M. Musselshell County, Montana, said Tract being more particularly described as follows:
Lots 1, 7 of Block 6, First Addition to the Townsite of Roundup, and Lots 2A, 8A & 9A of the Amended Plat 2017-2 of Block 6 First Addition to the Townsite of Roundup, Montana. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Discussion followed that the County Attorney is currently reviewing the Purchase Agreement and Warranty Deed. Commissioner Berry stated that the County needs to take possession of the Central School/Senior Center right away. Troy Evans suggested that the County make the purchase contingent upon receiving the final Warranty Deed from the County Attorney. Commissioner Borner made a motion to withdraw her motion to table. Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign the Purchase Agreement upon approval of the County Attorney and send the Warranty Deed to the School for review. Commissioner Borner second the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry made the motion after recommendations form Ambulance Director Solberg and Mark Qualman from Quest Service Corp. to accept the bid from Lekse Construction as long as vapor seal was included in the bid of $32,025.87 to remove and replace the siding on the EOC Building. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to review and sign the Amendment to the Memorandum of Agreement for the DNRC Grant for work on Jeffries Mine, submitted by Scott Graham with Montana Department of Environmental Quality. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Borner amended her motion to be approved upon Accounting Supervisor Angel finding out that we are going to be getting reimbursed for the match of $43,000.00. Motion carried.
Paula Snider paid her tax lien in full, plus interest, penalties and fees. The property is now going to be Quit Claimed back to the Sniders.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve and sign Resolution 2017-25 Appointing a Special Deputy County Attorney. Assigned to Ole Olson. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner made the motion to approve giving employees a $50.00 Holiday Gift Certificate from IGA. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry questioned Commissioner Borner going to a workshop that she has already been to since the Commissioners budget is at 40% spent and the travel Budget line is almost 50% already and we are only 4 months into the budget year. Commissioner Borner explained that she has never attended any meeting that was not beneficial to the County and that she will be attending the next workshop with Clerk and recorder Tomassi so she will not be using any milage out of the Commissioners budget, Accounting Supervisor Angel explained that the Commissioners have never gone over their budgets in the past and that in the future the County will probably need to expand the Commissioners budget. Commissioner Borner explained that the Commissioners have been a lot busier since they have had a lot of HR issues lately. Commissioner Berry suggested that the workshop was for Elected Officials and that Commissioner Borner has already been to the workshop and since him and Ms. Tomassi were going he didn’t think it is necessary for Commissioner Borner to attend. Commissioner Borner will take Commissioner Berry’s advice under advisement.
3:00 business was closed.
Jon Goffena and Stormy Stigen met with the Commissioners to discuss the baseball fields located at the fairgrounds. They asked the Commissioners for permission to use the baseball field this year for little league and a juniors team. Mr. Goffena asked the Commissioners if they could get the score board working again and Commissioner Goffena informed them to get a hold of Eliasson Electric because the County has already paid him to fix it a few years ago and he still has not fixed it. Mr. Goffena asked the Commissioners if they could have access to the public restrooms in March? The Commissioner said no because it is still too cold in March and they don’t want the water turned on yet because the pipes may freeze.
The County Attorney met with the Commissioners to discuss an HR issue. The Warranty Deed and Title Insurance for the Central School was discussed.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
November Claims = $329,714.69 Check # -62402 – 62521
Last modified: January 10, 2018