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Commissioners November 1, 2024 Minutes

November 12, 2024

November 1, 2024 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Turley.  Commissioner Pancratz and Commissioner Goffena were present. Deputy County Attorney Krakowka was also present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the agenda for the day. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the October 25, 2024 minutes after making a change. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion as amended. Motion carried.

There was no public comment.

There was no business.

Tuesday October 29, 2024 Commissioner Pancratz and Commissioner Goffena introduced themselves while attending the Tim Sheehy Rally in Billings.  Mr. Sheehy spoke about what he stands for and he supports the Signal Peak Mine.

Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Goffena had a meeting with Mike Ensler with Wildan, an energy consultant from Missoula.

Commissioner Pancratz met with Matt Smith from Stahly Engineering and did a walk around the fairgrounds to see what all has been done.  After doing the walk, it is apparent that we really need a “parks person”

Commissioner Goffena met with Izzy Cabrera regarding concrete at the fairgrounds.

Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Goffena met with Community Health Worker Berg to visit an office space for her at the Chiropractic Office here in town.

Clerk & Recorder Tomassi met with the Commissioners about a new space to store our election equipment after the election, that is more convenient.

All Commissioners went to a Kansas State feasibility study meeting at the Ambulance barn.

Rachel Creech met with the Commissioners regarding an easement issue.

Deputy County Attorney Krakowka met with the Commissioners.  The previous easement issue was discussed, and it may be a prescriptive possession easement whereas Commissioners may have to reach out to Ms. Creech for another meeting.

There was a “start-up meeting” with Inara Naranjo and Gus Byrom with the Department of Commerce for the CDBG program for the County’s Capital Improvement Plan and Growth Policy.  We were awarded the grant on September 10, 2024 and will need to go out for RFP after adding a “land use plan”

Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners to work on the tv remotes to connect to TEAMs meeting.

There was no public comment in the afternoon.

There being no further business Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.


Last modified: November 12, 2024

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