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Commissioners November 4, 2022 minutes

November 18, 2022

November 4, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Pancratz were present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the agenda for today after adding resolution 2022-36 Appointing a Special Deputy Attorney and Rod Ostermiller from the Mental Health Center at 9:30. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve the October 28, 2022 meeting minutes as written. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Turley attended the Roundup Memorial Hospital (RMH) Board meeting November 3, 2022. Monthly normal operations were positive. Roundup Memorial Hospital held a “Trauma Drill” to prepare for community wide trauma event. Nine months of planning with all local county health and safety departments prepared the trauma drill to go well. RMH has increase in clinic visits due to Dr. availability, and improved billing.   Billings Clinic experienced an emergency patient-staff safety issue. Improved communication with other emergency departments has now been implemented along with improved identification of a possible violent patient. Under a similar note, RMH had “active shooter” training. Billings Clinic suggested and RMH approved a “Point of Sale System” for improved funding for the upgraded hospital meal system.  Minutes taken by Commissioner Turley.

Commissioner Goffena attended a Goffena Bridge meeting with the Road Department, Stahly Engineering and MDT.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The flooring in the lady’s restroom is coming up in one area.  Ms. Jett will contact pronto Construction.

Rod Ostermiller with the Mental Health Center in Billings met with the Commissioners. The Center is working on linking services. The Commissioners were asked to try to possibly find someone who was in the school system that could work with the Board. They are trying to meet all prevention, addiction and mental health demands at the center in Billings. They really need more counselors.

County Agent Solf gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. They are working on the 4H orientation. They have 11/12 families already signed up. There are 4 trees marked on the campground that will be taken down and they are hoping to put 5 new trees in during the spring.

Clerk of Court Halverson, CFO Kirk and Payroll Clerk Schultz met with the Commissioners regarding Juror payment issues.

Incoming County Attorney Larsen met with the Commissioner to discuss the Riverside Fishing Access.  Mr. Larsen is working with Attorney Susan Swimley and FWP.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The Commissioners mentioned the Mental Health Center needing people.

DES Coordinator Rook gave the weekly report to the Commissioners. There were 2 fires this week. One was a hay trailer and the other was a slash pile and they did not have a burn permit.  There was 1 new address for the week. FEMA wants top have a Teams meeting on November 18 regarding a 2nd buyout program. There are 4 active Covid cases in Musselshell County.

Conference call with MACO.

Theresa Doumitt, Jake Barth and Don Haynes met with the Commissioners regarding the bathroom project at the Welcome Kiosk. Mr. Barth presented the Commissioners with a bid for the bathroom. They will be talking to the City about some of the plumbing issues.

Public Comment

Charles Gettleman, Mike Pratt, Judy Sutherland, Janice Beck from the Roundup Mesa Landowners Association met with the Commissioners to let them know that they as a body, they have not been apprised or approached of the proposed water district and therefore does not speak for or make decisions. They want to submit a list of landowners that they would like to be on the ballot for the proposed water district board should it become a reality:  Charles Gettleman, Mark Snyder, James Ken Austin, William Castleberry, Darci Castleberry, John Adams, Charlina Brown, Janice Beck, Denise McGranahan, Michael Stevens and Brad Marking.  A letter was submitted and is available for viewing at the Clerk & Recorders Office.

End of public comment.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to nominate 3 Individuals, Meriel Beck, Bette Ross and Bethe Hayes, for the Post General Election Audit. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Turley made the motion to sign the ACH Agreement with First Security Bank. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the funding for the bathroom portion of the Welcome Plaza. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2022-36 appointing a Special Deputy County Attorney. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There being no further business, Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


November 7, 2022 Road Department meeting.

Commissioner Goffena, Commissioner Turley, Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Newman were present.

Update on new shop project, concrete may need to wait until spring due to weather.  Mid-Rivers moved their fiber optic on Goffena Rd. So now Road Department can continue working on that portion of the road way. Road Department may be able to tie in with flood plain permit. Stahly Engineering does not think that the irrigation ditch will be a problem but they are looking into it to make sure. They might just need to add a culvert but will wait to see what Stahly comes up with.

End of meeting.

Last modified: November 18, 2022

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