October 20, 2023
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Turley. Commissioner Pancratz and Commissioner Goffena were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the agenda after adding Steve Zimmerer in at 2:00. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the October 13, 2023 minutes with a few errors. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Public Comment on any public matter within the jurisdiction of the Commissioners that is NOT on the agenda.
There was no public comment.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to table the MOU with Golden Valley for the salary of County Attorney Larsen. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-51 to receive a Coal Board Grant for a backhoe for the Road Department. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-57 to receive the Signal Peak grant for a public safety drone for the Sheriff’s Department. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena made the motion to sign Resolution 2023-58 Authorizing MACo to Represent the Interests of Musselshell County in Seeking a Declaratory Judgement from The Montana Supreme Court Regarding Statewide Mills. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign the State of Montana Invoice for the Fairgrounds Water Supply submitted by Stahly Engineering. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
End of business.
Commissioner Pancratz reviewed a 5-year strategy for Refuse.
Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Goffena did claims on Thursday October 19, 2023.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They have hired a jailer for the Department. They were awarded $20,000.00 towards the purchase of a drone.
DES Director Russell and Coordinator Rook gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. They are still working on the paperwork for the demolition of the Old Milwaukee bridge. Two Department of Defense trucks have arrived. One will go to hawk Creek and one stays with the Command trailer. They have hired new rural addressing employees. Commissioner Pancratz would like to meet with DES Director Russell regarding the EOP, every Thursday at 1:00. They are finishing up winter maintenance on the vehicles. With the scheduled power outage on the 18 of October, they found a few issues that will need to be addressed. They attended the Montana Emergency Management Association Conference where Mr. Russell was awarded the Eastern District Emergency Manager of the Year Award!! Congratulations Justin!!
Present were:
Commissioner Turley, Commissioner Pancratz, Commissioner Goffena, Clerk of Court Halverson, CFO Kirk, Clerk & Recorder Tomassi, Treasurer Hetrick, Deputy Police, Sheriff Lesnik, DES Director Russell, Coordinator Rook, Ambulance Director Solberg and Secretary Hagstrom.
Absent were: County Attorney Larsen due to another meeting, Maintenance Supervisor Jett due to sickness, County Agent Solf- Maternity Leave. Justice of the Peace Marking.
Clerk of Court Halverson reported on the number of cases and search warrants they have done. They are looking into getting their documents archived through ARCASearch.
CFO Kirk reported that the Budget was submitted on time. Ms. Kirk really wanted to stress to the Department Heads to really look at their budget lines. She is now working on end of year reports.
Treasurer Hetrick reported that taxes will be going on today or Monday. There are motor vehicle changes and they no longer do drivers licenses in her office. They have done writs of execution for the mobile home taxes and they are really getting them taken care of. Thanks Sheriff Lesnik. Commissioner Turley mentioned that the reinvestments have really helped the County revenue and Ms. Hetrick has done an excellent job. Ms. Hetrick said she is going to work on less cash and more investments.
Clerk & Recorder Tomassi reported that everything was good. They are getting ready for the elections next year. People that are running for office can start filing in January. In February they will be going to election training in Helena. Claims are now every week on Thursdays. Claims have to be in on Tuesdays by 5. Commissioner Turley asked how everyone was liking the weekly claim cycles? Everyone is good with them.
Secretary Hagstrom read the Road Department report. The Goffena Bridge rebuild is complete. MDT put the bridge out for bids for possibly spring. No paper work yet but it is possibly 4.5 million to replace the bridge. They have been rebuilding on Eagle Rock. A lot of tree removal, 6 culverts, shale rock and gravel hauled. The mag chloride on mine hill turned out good and the treatment they put on Melstone Custer is holding up so far. They replace 2 cattle guards on Hawk Creek and would like to do 3 more before the gravel project. Half of the Holden gravel pit product is screened so far. Mowing complete in all 3 districts and they are working on fall maintenance. Coal Board approval for a grant to get a new backhoe, it should be here around the first of the year. Concrete aprons on the new shop and completed the steel building project for $402,349.30. S Bare S pole barn building was $630,000.00 Saved over 227,650. For a much better building. Advertising for 2 new maintenance workers. They have been doing traffic counts and the numbers have been high.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his report. 2 positions still open. Deputy Randall is at the Academy. They received a Signal Peak Grant for a drone that can be used for finding fires, flooding, evacuations and search and rescue. They have hired a detention officer.
DES Director Russell gave his report. They have been working on grants. The State will be here next week to discuss another buyout. Hired 3 less than part-time per diem people for rural addressing. One will mainly work at the office when they are out or at training. Justing received the Eastern District Emergency Manager of the Year Award.
Ambulance Director Solberg gave his report. The power outage was a good opportunity for testing some equipment. All generators worked well. There are final quotes for the new phones.
Commissioner Turley said they appreciate everyone and the work they do.
End of meeting.
Ambulance Director Solberg gave his weekly report. They are going to be doing the switch on the new phone systems.
There being no further business Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Last modified: October 30, 2023