October 28, 2022 Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Goffena, Commissioner Turley and Commissioner Pancratz were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve the agenda as is. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve the October 21, 2022 meetings minutes as written. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Goffena had a FAA Zoom meeting regarding possible funds for the airport. We need to look at the Airport Capital Improvement Plan for listed future projects.
Commissioner Pancratz attended the Fair Board meeting on Thursday October 27, 2022. The Board nominated Brian Turley as Chairman, Brian Walker and Vice- Chair and Dominique Kovar as Secretary. The Minimum Allocation Grant project was discussed and they are going to try to find ways to get funds for new soil in the arena area.
Commissioner Turley attended the Refuse Board meeting on Tuesday October 25, 2022. They are looking at the costs from Republic. Everything else is going well.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The handicap sign is back up at the Courthouse. The extra router at the Commons has been installed.
County Agent Solf gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. November 9, 2022 there is a Weed Control and Herbicide Application class. 4H Orientation is November 5, 2022. There will be a private applicator training in Lewistown December 2, 2022. December 2, 2022 is 4H orientation. The Integrated Resource Management (IRM) books are in. The water is completely shut off at the fairgrounds.
Incoming County Attorney Larsen met with the Commissioners to discuss the Roundup Mesa Water District situation.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Mr. Larsen and Sheriff Lesnik will be attending the City Council meeting.
CFO Kirk met with the Commissioner to go over some grants and budgets.
Public Comment of “Matching funds for the Musselshell County Fairgrounds”
Theresa Doumitt was present and is happy that the Commissioners are going to work on the Fairgrounds.
End of public comment.
3:00 Public comment
Theresa Doumitt, Monty Sealey, Daryl and Cheri Tate, Mike Pratt and Charles Gettleman were present.
Theresa Doumitt met with the Commissioners with an update on the Welcome Center Kiosk. Ms. Doumitt is waiting on a bid from Jake Barth on the construction of the kiosk. Ms. Doumitt also told the Commissioners that she thinks they should try for a facility grant from CDBG to expand the Thimble.
Monty Sealey told the Commissioners that any resident from the Roundup Mesa Subdivision that does not want to be a part of the Water District, needs to have a notarized form to submit.
Daryl and Cheri Tate with the Chamber of Commerce met with the Commissioner. The Tate’s have purchased new Led Christmas Decorations for Main Street and lights that they would like to decorate the Courthouse with. The Commissioners thanked them for their generosity to the community, it is greatly appreciated.
Mike Pratt and Charle Gettleman met with the Commissioners regarding the voting for the Roundup Mesa Water District. The Commissioner told him they did not know how the voting work when forming a water district and they may have to hire a lawyer.
End of Public comment.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to table Item #5 to Nominate 3 individuals for the Post General Election Audit until 3 people agree. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2022-33 to receive the ARPA Water & Sewer Grant for Roundup Mesa Water Systems. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to sign Resolution 2022-34 to receive the Rural Fire Capacity/Fire Warden/Fire Officer Stipend Grant. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign Resolution 2022-35 to receive the Rural Fire Capacity/DNRC/Rural Fire Capacity Grant. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to sign the Encroachment Permit for Section 8, Township 8 North, Range 25 East on Golf Course Road submitted by Joseph B. Smith. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to approve and sign Coal Board Drawdown #3 documents for RMH Generator Phase 2 Project. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Turley made the motion to sign Certificate of Survey 2022-18RB for the NENW and NWNE of Section 32, T-7-N, R-26-E Tract 12A-1 submitted by Wayne and Charlotte McCutchen. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to adjourn. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.
October 31, 2022 Road Department Meetings Minutes.
Commissioner Goffena, Commissioner Turley, Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Newman were present. There was a meeting with MDT last week regarding the Goffena Bridge replacement. MDT is now saying there may be a problem with the irrigation ditch. We may have to get the project engineered by Stahly Engineering and we may also have to get a Floodplain Permit. There will be another meeting Tuesday November 1, 2022 with the Road Department, MDT, Stahly Engineering, Floodplain Coordinator and the Commissioners to address the issue. The Road Department has been working on Goffena Road and Mid-Rivers will be moving their fiber optics so the department will be moving forward on the road.
Last modified: November 4, 2022