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December 2, 2022 Minutes

July 31, 2023

December 2, 2022

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Goffena. Commissioner Turley was present. Commissioner Pancratz was not present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Turley made the motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Goffena seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena made the motion to approve the November 18, 2022 meetings minutes as written.  Commissioner Turley seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Goffena attended the Council on Aging Board meeting. Vacation time was discussed. They will be needing to find two people to replace two that will no longer be on the Board.

Commissioner Turley attended the Refuse Board meeting.  There was a personnel issue but all else is good.

The Commissioner tried to call Attorney Susan Swimley for an update on the Fishing Access with Fish Wildlife and Parks but had to leave a message

Bob Denning with Denning Downey & Associates met with the Commissioners to do the year-end adjustments. Mr. Denning made it clear that much improvement has been made in Musselshell County Accounting and Finance Departments.  In-fact much more improvement than anticipated, and to the point that additional oversight will be much reduced.  Commissioner made it known that CFO Kirk, Treasurer Hetrick and Commissioner Pancratz have worked very well together to overcome financial accounting details specific to each department with specific funding and spending requirements. Treasurer Hetrick and CFO Kirk were also present.

DES Director Russell and Coordinator Rook gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. They are working on doing another FEMA buyout next year. PDM (Pre-disaster Mitigation) meetings are going to start next week. They are working on multiple grants for the Road Department that need to be done by December 16, 2022. One of the emergency generators is being worked on in Billings. There was 1 new address this week. They put in for a grant to get new HEPA filters for the schools.  They should know by December 16, 2022 if they got the grant. There are 3 active cases of COVID in Musselshell County.

Commissioner Pancratz joined the meeting.

Weed Coordinator Beck met with the Commissioners to have the Commissioners sign the 2022/2023 Weed Plan for the State.

Theresa Doumitt met with the Commissioners for an update on the Welcome Center. They are working on the contract with MT Frontier Sandstone and the colors for the restrooms.

No Public Comment.

Commissioner Turley made the motion to table item #1 to review and sign the Agriculture Covenant for the SW4 of Section 25, Township 6 North, Range 26 East submitted by WWC Engineering for Musselshell Resources, LLP until they can do some research. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Commissioner Pancratz made the motion to sign the Contract from Lobbyist Bob Gilbert with Badlands Water and Consulting, Inc. Commissioner Turley seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Turley made the motion to sign Resolution 2022-38 for State v. Mason Ward for the Prosecution Services Bureau of the Department of Justice. Commissioner Pancratz seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Lura Pittman with the Roundup Record/Winnette Tribune met with the Commissioners for a monthly update on what is happening in Musselshell County

Commissioner Goffena and Commissioner Pancratz did the first run of claims for December.

Claims = $217,752.86

December 5, 2022 Road Department meeting

Commissioner Goffena, Commissioner Turley, Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Newman were present.

They worked on Goffena Road last week; they have a portion of it dug out and cut down.  They will no more of what they can do after today’s Bridge & Floodplain meeting at 1:30. The culvert project grant has been submitted.  They are looking at almost a half a million in culverts. The Commissioners are going to check with our credit card company about the finance charges we are getting.  The Road Department is going to apply for an upgrade on their belly dumps at the fall Coal Board Meeting. There needs to be clarification on the bridge accounts.

End of meeting.


Last modified: July 31, 2023

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