April 12, 2024 Department Head Meeting Minutes
Commissioner Turley, Commissioner Pancratz, Commissioner Goffena, Sheriff Lesnik, County Attorney Larsen, Clerk & Recorder Tomassi, CFO Kirk, Treasurer Hetrick, Clerk off Court Halverson and Assistant Hagstrom were present.
Sheriff Lesnik reported that we will be losing County Attorney Larsen after the Election, so we need to think about hiring someone August/September to replace him. The drone is in and training is ongoing. They are working on beautifying the Sheriff’s Office.
Clerk & Recorder Tomassi reported that her Office is getting ready for Elections. They have the school and then the Primary in June. The Medical Insurance went up. Anyone can meet with Pam Walling from MACo on May 14, 2024. There is Election Judge training April 23, 2024 in the Commons room. They need to remember to add 2 mills to the budget for the Government Study Review that will be on the ballot.
CFO Kirk gave her report. Ms. Kirk feels like we have a great team. Commissioner Turley and Ms. Kirk did the Audit Exit Review. Refuse Board will start meeting twice a month and there will be a Refuse increase on the tax bill. There will be a Budget Amendment on April 19, 2024. Budgets will be going to the Department Heads on May 20, 2024 and she would like them back by May 31, 2024.
Treasurer Hetrick reported the last 2 weeks she has been away at conferences. The Treasurer Certification and Superintendent of Schools Conference. The Tax Bills went out before she left. There is a property the County received by Tax Deed needs to be auctioned. Commissioner Turley noted Ms. Hetrick has made some great investments and is doing a great job.
Clerk of Court Halverson reported she has been working on record retention. Her office will be getting ready for the new Judge. There will be a new jury in May. 1099’s for the Water Commission is being reviewed.
The Road and Bridge report will be read by Assistant Hagstrom. The Road Department works 4 10’s and are in Monday through Thursday.
Goffena Bridge is started and the old bridge is gone. They are working on abutments. Gravel project on Hawk Creek will be started this year. Spring mud and road maintenance need to be done first. Keggy Coulee damage and gravel is repaired. They will reset a culvert when the ground dries. Did some graveling on Mosby Road. Hauling gravel on N. Gage Hill to improve the road’s safety and haul gravel to the shop for stock. They would like to finish Eagle Rock Road this year and start working on the dirt part of Dean Creek Road. Possible gravel pit on Hougardy Road. Test holes and more prospecting this spring. Three employees are working on their drone licenses. One is testing this week. They finished updating their 5-year Capital Improvement Plan.
DES Department was not present so the report was read by Assistant Hagstrom.
DES: The new buy-out grant has been submitted to the State DES. Only 1, the Busy Bee qualified. They will be looking at other grants for the people that did not qualify this fall. Getting ready for Fire Season. The red command trailer is ready but the white trailer has been in use by the Musselshell County Sheriff Office for the last 2 months. They are working on the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG), EMPG reverted funds Grant and the Swift Current Grant. They are waiting on the final FEMA ruling on the culvert grants from the last cycle. They finalized the FEMA disaster from last June’s flooding events and repayment should start soon but no date. The East Repeater upgrade with the Homeland Security Grant, they are waiting on the purchased materials.
Rural Addressing: The backlogged new signs are going up and there are already issues with them being stolen. They are working with the County Attorney to ensure compliance with Musselshell County Ordinance 2016-01. One of the sign people are going to be working with the Weed Department. Map books are available. Wall maps are on hold until the plotter is fixed. Hopefully they can find a grant to replace the printer.
Fire Warden: Four new fire engines have been purchased and will go to Dean Creek, Bull Mountain and Melstone. One will be a parts vehicle or engine repair depending on price. All four had to be purchased as a package and they came in at $20,000.00 below market for each doing it that way. Fire prediction forecast has a 50/50 chance of average fire year to extreme fire year. Working on three DNRC Grants, RFC, VFA and VFC. April 20, 2024 will be a County-wide fire training at the River Walk to clean up the area and get task books signed.
The Commissioner reported that they are working on getting information regarding the Coal Mine. The are working on getting funding to possibly purchase the Wier building. They are working with Homes on the Range to try to find funding for replacement or repair the building.
End of meeting.
Last modified: April 19, 2024