March 1 9, 2020
WHEREAS, the World Health Organization has declared the worldwide outbreak of COVID-19 Novel Coronavirus a pandemic:
WHEREAS, on January 31, 2010. United States Health & Human Services Secretary, Alex M. Azar, declared a public health emergency for the entire United States to aid the nation’s healthcare community in responding to COVID-19:
WHEREAS, as of March 10, 2020.the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) indicates there are over 125,000 confirmed cases of COVlD-19 worldwide with over 900 confirmed cases in the United States;
WHEREAS, the Montana Department or Public Health & Human Services (DPHHS) recognizes COVID-19 as a threat to the residents of Montana:
WHEREAS, although there arc presently confirmed cases in Montana, and the Montana DPHHS, local health departments, health and medical departments, and local jurisdictions have activated responses plans and protocols to combat the virus in Montana;
WHEREAS local officials are working to identify, contact and test individuals in the State of Montana who have been potentially exposed to COVID-19 in coordination with the CDC;
WHEREAS, proactively implementing mitigation measures to slow the spread of the virus is in the best interests of the City of Roundup and Musselshell County and its people;
WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020, Governor Bullock declared a state of emergency for Montana as defined in 10-3-1 03 and 1 0-3-302, MCA:
WHEREAS, Section 10-3-103(4) MCA defines ”disaster” as the occurrence or imminent threat of widespread or severe damage, injury, or loss of life or property resulting from any natural or artificial cause:
WHEREAS. Section 10-3-103(8) MCA defines “emergency” as the imminent threat of a disaster causing immediate peril to life or property that timely action may avert or minimize:
WHEREAS, Musselshell County and the City of Roundup are addressing the threat that COVID-19 poses to the health and welfare of its residents and visitors;
WHEREAS, on March 15, 2020, Governor Bullock ordered closed all K-12 school s for a period of two (2) weeks;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED pursuant to Title 10, Chapter 3, Part 4, MCA, the Musselshell County Commission and the Roundup City Council declare that an emergency for Musselshell County and the Ci t y of Roundup is posed.
IN ADDITION, by this declaration we direct the implementation of the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and authorize all necessary County and/or City agencies, including but not limited to the Musselshell County Emergency Operations Center. to take appropriate action to assist the County and City and individuals in containing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from this disaster emergency, to protect County and local property, and to provide such other assistance as is necessary to protect the public health , welfare, and safety. Included is necessary testing equipment such as Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and other materials and supplies deemed necessary to assist with finding, preventing, and combating the virus.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that copies of this resolution will be filed with the Musselshell County Clerk & Recorder.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19th day of March 2020.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commissioners that a disaster is hereby declared pursuant to Section 10-3-403, MCA, the expected impact of the COVID-19 health emergency will be beyond the financial capability of the County.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there shall be appropriated immediately to the Emergency Fund Number 2260 an amount equivalent to two (2) mills on the taxable valuation of the County outside the incorporated municipalities, pursuant to Section 10-3-405, MCA. Said two (2) mills will be levied during fiscal year 2021 and be utilized for restoring services.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that copies of the resolution be tiled with the County Clerk & Recorder, County Assessor, and the Montana Disaster & Emergency Services Division in Helena.
PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Musselshell County Commissioners this 19th day of March, 2020.
Nicole M. Borner-Chair
Adam E. Carlson
Download the Emergency Declaration Resolution (PDF)
Last modified: March 31, 2020