Department Head Meeting
July 15, 2022.
Present were Commissioner Goffena, Commissioner Turley, Commissioner Pancratz, CFO Kirk, Treasurer Hetrick, Clerk & Recorder Tomassi, Sheriff Lesnik, County Attorney Peterson, County Agent Solf, and Ambulance Director Solberg.
Secretary Hagstrom read the Road Department report: The new equipment shop flooring should be done this week. The well project is not completed but they can fill fire trucks. They are hoping to finish the 3.5 mile rebuild on East Parrot Creek Road this week. July 6th flash flooding Nort topped over Grazing District, Hochmuth, Golf Course, Horsethief, Alec Roy, Big Wall, Colony and North Gage Roads. Minimal damage, most will be fixed with a grader. Grazing District will need rip rap and fill at the big culverts, but the road held up. High winds took down a big tree on West Musselshell Road by the post office that was blocking the road and had to be removed. Started mowing paved roads and getting ready to start hot mix next week. Interviews for Road Secretary will be August 1, 2022. No one applied for the mechanic job. Trying to plan ribbon cutting for the Farell Street Bridge at the end of the month.
Secretary Hagstrom read the Maintenance Supervisors report. There was a new fan installed in the men’s bathroom at the Courthouse. Supplies are getting replenished. Mowing grass when needed. Trying to get quotes for the Extension Office ceiling. New air conditioning units for the Court Compliance, Clerk of Court, Commissioners and Clerk & Recorder’s office.
Clerk & Recorder Tomassi reported they are getting their books digitized by ArcaSearch. The process should take a few months. They are going to be hiring a part-time, possible full-time position for her office.
CFO Kirk wanted to thank everyone for getting their budgets to her so fast. The Preliminary Budget will have a 2 week “Public Comment” time before signed. The Audit was submitted and approved.
Treasurer Hetrick reported there are 2 properties going for Tax Deed. The delinquent mobile home and personal property tax deeds went out.
County Attorney Peterson reported that there have been some updates in the Courtroom for presentation to the Judge and jury. They have gotten a 75” TV that can roll around. Commissioner Goffena mentioned that Musselshell County is going to be hosting a Central Montana Health Board meeting on September 15, 2022 and maybe it can be held in the Courtroom. (We will have to ask Judge Spaulding if it is available)
Clerk of Court Halveson reported that the jury questionnaires’ have gone out and they received quit a few back. They will be needing to check on the security for their offices.
County Agent Solf reported that Fair prep is underway. The 4H Fair starts Saturday July 16 and run until the following Saturday. The Market Sale is Saturday the 23rd. Ms. Solf did 26 hay samples this week. Open riding is from 8 AM until 9 PM Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Sheriff Lesnik reported they are happy with the new Zerker System. They are getting used to it and it seems to be working well. The Sheriff’s Office had a major power outage on July 6th. They had no phone. Ambulance Director Solberg came to the rescue at 2:00 AM and after a while the problem taken care of. They all survived the 4th of July. The Department has the most senior officers in a while. There are 6 more offices than 3 years ago.
Ambulance Director Solberg reported that the power surge was a pricey one. They are looking to add more surge protection to the area where the equipment is. Rosebud County got our calls during the outage and called employee cell phones. The 4th of July was crazy for their office. They had 45 trip reports.
Commissioner Goffena thanked everyone for coming and to keep up the great work for Musselshell County.
End of meeting.
Last modified: July 22, 2022