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July 22nd, 2019 Commissioner Minutes

July 29, 2019

July 22, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson were present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve the agenda after amendments to add the Courthouse roof and Sleuth data retention, to the old business part of the agenda requested by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the July 15, 2019 minutes. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. Commissioner Berry was not present at the meeting.

Commissioner Carlson attended the Safety Meeting on July 18, 2019. They are going to be creating a mandatory training meeting for Musselshell County employees for first aid and IT security. The meetings will be held in October and March and two times each month to accommodate everyone’s schedule. The training will be available to volunteers also. The mandatory CPR training will be in September.

Commissioner Berry received a call from Joe Stahl regarding Goffena Bridge. Mr. Stahl and Bob Price will be at the 3:00 public comment.

Commissioner Borner didn’t have any board meetings but did attend a Montana Tourism meeting and would like to apply for a grant for vaulted latrines at the campground. Commissioner Borner also would like to apply for a DLA (Delivering Local Assistance) grant for the sinking part of the Courthouse.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The water softener for the Commons will be installed on July 26, 2019. Ms. Jett is going to contact Montana made Projects regarding the roof leaking in the Judge’s chambers. We are waiting on bids for the windows at the Complex. And try to get bids to see how much it would be to replace the windows at the Commons.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Ken Stahl and Mike Tatrault were also present to talk about an encroachment on Colony Road. They are going to hold off on doing a survey for the #4 alteration for now. Nothing has been heard on the DCI results. The hot mix fix is complete and now going to start cold mix on Bridge Rd and later this week Fishel Creek Road. Blading on Grazing District Rd. Both mowers are out doing as much as they can.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. An Interlocal Agreement between Petroleum County and Musselshell County was given to the Commissioners for review. The Commissioners will look at it and get a copy to the County Attorney for review also.

The Commissioners are going to ask County Attorney Peterson to meet with them next week to review the Interlocal Agreement, sample lease agreements for the County and County roads.

DES Coordinator Fisher gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. They are going to need to get the electric and refrigeration removed from some of the FEMA buyout property. The City is going to get a price from Great West Engineering to handle the Flood Plain Permits. New burn permit training is July 23, 2019 at the Ambulance Barn.   We are going to be advertising for the DES position again.

Treasurer Hetrick gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Interviews are tomorrow for a full-time clerk for the office. Waiting on an answer from MACo regarding property that was taken by Tax Deed.

County Agent Fosjord gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. The FHA Fair went really well. There is a cat problem at the fairgrounds. Commissioner Borner suggested calling the Human Society about the cats. The next Fair Board meeting is August 20, 2019.

Justice of the Peace Marking met with the Commissioners to discuss his budget. Commissioner Borner told Mr. Marking that they are waiting on the evaluations from the Department of revenue which will probably be in August and they will set the budgets in September. Mr. Marking invited the Commissioners to stop by his office and see the work that has been done in the Courtroom.

Project Manager Mark Qualman met with the Commissioners to give his recommendation for the Extension Office/Fairgrounds/Courthouse step repair Bids.

Clerk & Recorder Tomassi met with the Commissioners regarding the signatures on County Checks.

There was no public comment.

Commissioner Berry was absent.

Item #5 Commissioner Carlson made the motion to table discussing and signing the letter regarding the Colony Road Encroachment, because they are concerned with the timeframe mentioned in the letter and the scope of work that needs done in that timeframe. They would like to talk to the County Attorney about the issues and why this was made a priority when there have been other issues he’s been asked to address and he refused. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to vote on and sign the Contract with Denning, Downey & Associates P.C for a Forensic Audit for the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion with discussion: Commissioner Carlson said he is excited about finally getting this done. Commissioner Borner said she thinks getting the taxpayers’ dollars in order is worth the cost of the audit. Commissioner Carlson wanted it clarified that it is not a “forensic audit” unless something is found. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to discuss the bids for hail damage repairs at the Extension Office/Fairgrounds and Courthouse Steps. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Carlson said he thinks they should go with Mark Qualmans recommendation to use Stone Contracting because they bid all of the jobs and were the lowest bid. Commissioner Carlson made the motion to hire Stone Construction to do the hail damage repair of the Extension Office/Fairgrounds and Courthouse steps. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review and sign the Encroachment Permit for an approach in Sec 6, T-5-N, R-24-E Tract 423-A Homestead Road, submitted by Virginia Fidel contingent on the approval of Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried. Approved by Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to review and sign Journal Voucher #471 and #472 correcting payroll expenditures for Adam Carlson and Teresa Fauth and Journal Voucher #473 correcting transportation funds. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.

Thursday July 18, 2019, Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson did the second half of the claims.





Last modified: July 30, 2019

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