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May 9, 2022 Minutes from the City/County/Sheriff meeting regarding Law Enforcement

May 16, 2022

May 9, 2022 Meeting between the City of Roundup, Sheriff Lesnik and the Musselshell County Commissioners regarding the Interlocal Agreement for Law Enforcement Services.

Present were: Mayor Jones, City Attorney Brooks, Commissioner Goffena, Commissioner Turley, Commissioner Pancratz, Sheriff Lesnik, Treasurer Lanter and Secretary Mann.  Council Members: Floyd Fisher, Gary Toombs, Cameron McCleary, Rick Carlson, Dolly Long, Dave Liggett and Jim Vivirito.  Public members present: Cheryl Goffena, Dale Rittierodt and Angelica Mozqueda.

Mayor Jones and Commissioner Goffena co-chaired the meeting.

The agenda for the meeting was approved by all.

There was no public comment.

Item #1) The Purpose of the Agreement; was approved by all.

Item #2) Effect of Agreement on Prior Agreements; was approved by all.

Item #3) Duration of Agreement; was tabled until later in the meeting.

Item #4) Employment Status of Law Enforcement Officers; was approved by all.

Item #5) Compensation; was approved by all after discussion.

Sheriff Lesnik talked about inflation on everything especially the price of fuel. There has not been a change in the amount paid to the Sheriff office since 2014

Item #6) Monthly and Quarterly Reporting Requirements; were approved by all.

Item #7) Disposition of Acquired Law Enforcement Property; was approved by all.

Item #8) Enforcement and Administration of Agreement; was approved by all.

Item #9) Property Forfeitures; was approved by all.

Item #10) Indemnification; was approved by all.

Item #11) Construction; was approved by all.

Item #12) Amendments; were approved by all.

Item #13) Severability: was approved by all.

Item #14) Authority to Execute; was approved by all


Item #3) Duration was discussed.  Commissioner Pancratz would like to entertain a “termination clause” in the agreement. Suggested time would be 1 year after termination is determined for the transition. Possibly put it as an Item #15?


Item #5) After discussion all of the City agreed on the “intent to increase 2% over the next 2 years” The County agreed to the same.


There are still some questions that will need looked into.

Where does the fine money go from the City Court? The Commissioner will contact MACo.

Termination Clause?   Should it be done by resolution?  Attorney Brooks will look into the issue and notify members of his opinion.

Meeting closed.

Last modified: May 16, 2022

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