October 15, 2019 Commissioner Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
Commissioner Borner wanted to add Coal Board Grants to the agenda Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Berry wanted it clarified in the October 7, 2019 minutes that Sheriff Lesnik and Clerk & Recorder Tomassi were discussing retirement also in their meeting with the Commissioners. Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the minutes as amended. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson had a “Go to Meeting” for LEPC but they could not hear him.
Commissioner Borner didn’t have meetings last week but she has a Fair Board meeting tonight and on Thursday she will be going to Great Falls for a MCDC MACo Board meeting.
Commissioner Berry did not have any meetings.
Stone Construction has been working on the grandstands at the fairgrounds and will be starting on the Extension Office this week.
Commissioner Carlson will follow up on the Flood Plain Violation.
The audits need to be done before they work on the policy for claims.
They are waiting on the letter from the State about the audit reports.
Commissioner Borner told the Commissioners that she had talked to Kathie Bailey from Snowy Mountain Development regarding what the Commissioners think are the priority for Coal board asks. They are doing a CDBG grant for the planning of a building for the Road Department so maybe they should go for the actual funding of that building, then maybe they can ask for planning of an impound building for the Sheriff’s Department. Commissioner Berry said he thinks it is very important and a priority to get the building for the Road Department because the Coal Board gave a lot of money to the department for the equipment they have and it all sits out in the elements.
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly reports to the Commissioners. Ms. Jett had some insurance papers for the Commissioners to review. Ms. Jett asked if it would be possible to have an office in a space that is available at the Musselshell County Central Commons? The Commissioners all said yes. Interviews will be done on Monday October 21, 2019 starting at 3:30.
Gary Thompson visited with the Commissioners to see if they were going to be able to do any funding to help with the Museum again? The Commissioner’s said they don’t have a problem with it and will meet with accounting to see what was available.
Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. Commissioner Carlson is going to call attorney Gunderson to see if he has received the letter from the property owners of the #4 alteration asking the County to take the property by eminent domain. Commissioner Berry is going try to get with MACo about a letter to property owners on Colony Road about # 60 Road. The Commissioners reviewed a letter to a resident that is encroaching on the County right of way on Farrel Street. The letter will be sent by certified mail. After talking with Airport manager Kelly Gebhardt, they have agreed to keep track of how many times the Road Department does snow removal at the airport. They will be charged $100.00 per removal but billed once a year. They are short staffed this week but are blading on Fattig Creek and East Parrot today. The rest of the week blading and work on Johnson Road. Commissioner Berry had a call from a resident that is concerned about the Amish community that travel on #4 Road. People are going too fast. The Road Department will put signs up especially by their school.
Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. Deputy Elkins is done with the 2-week training he attended and everything went well. Deputy Manning is still at K-9 training and that is going well also. The Coal Board ask for planning the impound building was discussed and they are going to do it. Payroll and retirement were also discussed.
Treasurer Hetrick and April Gifford from the Department of Revenue met with the Commissioners about refuse fees. They need to find out which County owned properties have structures and which do not. If there have been demos of structures they will not have to pay for refuse. Treasurer Hetrick gave the Commissioners the quarterly reports. Ambulance Director Solberg visited with the Commissioners about his call amounts.
There was no public comment.
Commissioner Berry made the motion to discuss Road #60 in Sections 10 & 3 in Township 11 North, Range 25 East. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Berry talked to Tara DePuty from MACO and Eric Bryson is going to be doing the letter to the residents. The letter is mainly going to tell them that there is a non-maintained County Road and they will have to abide by the easement.
Bids for Demo of FEMA Buyout properties were opened.
WHC $597,490.00
Askin Construction $1,694,700.00
Winkler Excavation $755,000.00
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to take the bids under advisement to find a funding source and for legal advice. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Last modified: November 27, 2019