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October 21, 2019 Minutes

October 28, 2019

October 21, 2019 Minutes

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Carlson was present. Commissioner Berry was absent.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda after Commissioner Borner asked to add USDA Grants to the Gants part of it. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the minutes as amended from the October 15, 2019 minutes after Commissioner Borner wanted it clarified that all of the Commissioners agreed to looking at the budget and see where they could find funds to help the Museum this year. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson did not have any board meetings last week. They Safety meeting was rescheduled for October 23, 2019 and there is an emergency Fire Council meeting on October 24, 2019. They are reviewing the new lease for refuse.

Commissioner Borner had a MCDC-MACo meeting on October 17, 2019 in Great Falls. They have a new director Tracy McIntire and they did budget training. Commissioner Borner has been working with Cathy Barta with Snowy Mountain Development Corp on Coal Board grants.

Stone Contracting has been working on repairs at the Fairgrounds and should be starting on the Extension Office soon.

The audits need to be done before they work on the policy for claims.

They are waiting on the letter from the State about the audit reports.

Commissioner Borner talked to the State Director for Rural Development Charles Robison about USDA grants that are available to County’s that have been declared an emergency and she is going to look into it more.

Commissioner Borner hasn’t heard anything about the EDA Supplemental Funding because they are waiting to hear about the hydraulic study of the river.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Jett had to order chemical for the grease interceptor at the Musselshell County Central Commons.

Road Secretary Kenner gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. We are still waiting on letters for #4 Road and Road #60. They are going to have to replace the East bay door at the shop. Ms. Kenner gave the Commissioners the proposed development plan for the Riverside-Musselshell fishing Access site from Fish Wildlife and Parks.   Last week blading was done on Fattig Creek, East Parrot, Hawk Creek, Fishel Creek, CA Road and Goffena.   More work is done on Johnson Road.

Sheriff Lesnik and Clerk & Recorder Tomassi met with the Commissioners with a personnel issue.

DES Coordinators Fisher and Harper gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The Floodplain Permit has come back from the State/City. Demo can be done on any non-hazardous building weather permitting. The BLM prescribed burn on Rehder Road went well.

Department Head Meeting at the Ambulance Barn over the lunch hour.

Public Hearing- Coal Board Grant for a Preliminary Architectural Report for a Sheriff’s Department Impound Building.

There was no public comment.

Public Comment:

Theresa Doumitt was present.

No public comment.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Letter Agreeing to Submit A Coal Board Application and Authorizing Musselshell County Commission Chairman to sign Documents on behalf of Roundup Memorial Healthcare. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Letter Designating Nicole M. Borner as the Environmental Certifying Official for the Montana Coal Board Application on behalf of Roundup Memorial Healthcare. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Letter for the Montana Coal Board Grant, Findings of Exempt Activities on behalf of Roundup Memorial Healthcare. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Certification Form for the Coal Impact Grant Application Submitted by Musselshell County on behalf of Roundup Memorial Healthcare. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Letter Agreeing to Submit A Coal Board Application and Authorizing Musselshell County Commission Chairman to sign Documents on behalf of the Musselshell County Sheriff’s Department. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Letter Designating Nicole M. Borner as the Environmental Certifying Official for the Montana Coal Board Application for a Preliminary Architectural Report for an Impound Building on behalf of the Musselshell County Sheriff’s Department. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Letter for the Montana Coal Board Grant Application for a Preliminary Architectural Report for an Impound Building, Findings of Exempt Activities on behalf of the Musselshell County Sheriff’s Department. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Certification Form for the Coal Impact Grant Application for a Preliminary Architectural Report for an Impound Building Submitted by Musselshell County on behalf of the Musselshell County Sheriff’s Department. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Resolution 2019-23 Determining that a Categorical Exclusion for the Access to Emergency Services Project for Roundup Memorial Healthcare is appropriate. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Resolution 2019-24 amending Resolution 2016-22 that Adopted the New Floodplain and Floodway Regulations to amend Section 4 Article 4.1, Regulated Flood Hazard Areas and Adding Appendix A. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Resolution 2019-25 Determining that a Categorical Exclusion for the Preliminary Architectural Report for an Impound Building for the Musselshell County Sheriff’s Department is appropriate. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign Resolution 2019-26 that the County Treasurer may not issue a Tax Deed to the County unless the Board of County Commissioners, by Resolution directs her to. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

There were 2 interviews for the assistant maintenance worker.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner did claims October 17, 2019.

Commissioner Carlson did claims on October 18, 2019.


Last modified: November 27, 2019

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