October 7, 2019 Commissioner Minutes
The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson were present.
Pledge of Allegiance.
The Commissioners want to add signing the Certification of Match Form and information sheet from Area II Agency on Aging. Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the agenda as amended. Commissioner Berry seconded motion. Motion carried.
After Commissioner Borner wanted to change a few grammar errors and clarify a sentence, Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the September 30, 2019 minutes as amended. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson had a Fire Council meeting and DNRC, the Conservation District and BLM were there to discuss fuel mitigation and fire reduction. There is now a retired forester working with them and they are working on property protection funding. There is a bio-waste place in Billings now which will help with the scraps from fire mitigation. Not all departments are getting their reports out. With EMPG grant funding and the Fire Council they are looking into hiring someone to do the reports. They are still working on an agreement with the refuse District and the City.
Commissioner Berry did not have any board meetings and did visit with Tara DePuy from MACo regarding # 60 Road and Ms. DePuy was going to have Eric Bryson help with a letter to the land owner.
Commissioner Borner missed a phone conference with WWC Engineering and Snowy Mountain Development regarding the Brownfields mitigation grant and will find out any updates. Commissioner Borner wants it put into the minutes that her and Commissioner Carlson drove to the MACo conference in Helena together, Commissioner Berry drove separately and all three Commissioners attended the Friends of the NRA Dinner Wednesday October 2, 2019. Commissioner Borner is going to call Denning, Downey and Associates to find out more about the Contract. All Commissioners agreed to the call.
All of the grants are still being worked on
Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. They are waiting for the windows and doors at the County Complex Building. Ms. Jett will get the information on the sign for the door. Ms. Jett visited with Key Insurance about a claim for the Extension Office and Ms Jett thinks they should have the MACo adjuster look at it. Commissioner Carlson said he is meeting with an adjuster from Montana Claims Service today and will see if he will look at the room.
The Road Department has training all day.
Sheriff Lesnik and Clerk & Recorder Tomassi met with the Commissioners regarding payroll and County Retirement.
DES Coordinators Fisher and Harper gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The Commissioners needed to sign the Annual Certification Form for EMPG. The new burn permit system will be up and running starting October 15, 2019.
County Agent Fosjord gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. Ms. Fosjord gave the Commissioners data on aerial spray for grasshoppers. The water is going to be shut off at the fairgrounds and the campgrounds. Adam Toombs joined the meeting and asked if it would be ok the have the Cross-County Tract meet that is supposed to be held at the Golf Course Saturday. If we get the snow that is forecast, Mr. Toombs asked if they could have it on the walking trails and into the fairgrounds. Ms. Fosjord and the Commissioners agreed that they could.
Item #1 to discuss Road #60 in Sections 10 & 3 in Township 11 North, Range 25 East. Was tabled until they get information back from MACo.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to discuss and sign the Audit Engagement Services, Non-Audit Advisory Services and Standard Audit Contract submitted by Denning, Downey and Associates. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Robert Denning was called to clarify the contract. Motion carried.
Commissioner Carlson made the motion to sign the Certification of Match Form and information sheet from Area II Agency on Aging. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Discussion. After discussion Commissioner Berry amended his motion to sign even though the letter says $11, 348.00 they are going to do $15, 273. 00. Commissioner Carlson will call and ask them to send the agreement with the $15, 273.00 for signature. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.
There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.
Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson did claims Thursday October 3, 2019
Last modified: November 27, 2019