Notice of Public Meeting
Central Montana Health District Board
Special Meeting Thursday, September 9, 2021, at 12:00 p.m.
For location of meeting, or to attend the meeting virtually,
visit our website at for instructions.
The meeting is open to the public and public comments are welcome. Topics on the Agenda are:
12pm – 1pm: By-laws work session, Discussion of any legal opinion on how the CMHD by-laws could be rewritten to allow for the continuing operation of CMHD, Information sharing on county attorney’s advice about legitimacy of continuing CMHD, DPHHS information on funding to counties individually as compared to CMHD as a whole, Audit of CMHD – status and timeline, Fergus Co reasoning on how Junk Vehicle has to be handled in the future and why is exempt from any asset split of CMHD, Discussion of how assets are to be split if one or more counties go independent, Discussion about how grants are handled if CMHD is dissolved, Information sharing on whether a county working under a subcontract or with One Health or another county is considered to be in compliance with state law, Discussion of information regarding whether a county with a governing board made up five elected officials that oversee another county’s subcontractor or One Health will be in compliance with state law, Discussion about the timeline of CMHD, Discussion of timeline for decisions from counties and Year End and Year-to-date financial reports. For further information, please contact the Central MT Health District office in Lewistown at (406) 535-7466. |
Last modified: December 31, 2021