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July 29, 2019 Approved Minutes

August 5, 2019

July 29, 2019

The meeting was called to order at 8:30 by Commissioner Borner. Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson were present.

Pledge of Allegiance.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to approve the agenda. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to approve the July 22, 2019 minutes. Commissioner Berry abstained because he was not here for the whole meeting. Commissioner Borner seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson did not have any board meetings last week.

Commissioner Berry had a Hospital District meeting last Thursday July 25. There wasn’t a quorum. Reports were given. The new PA will officially begin August 15, 2019. Internal matters between Billings Clinic and the Roundup Memorial Healthcare were discussed.

Commissioner Borner did not have any local board meetings this week but did attend the MCDC (Montana Cooperative Development Center) on Wednesday and Thursday. Discussed was a business model for rural communities and people are being very creative with their ideas. Commissioner Borner is excited to take it to MACo.

Commissioner Borner updated the Commissioners on the Tourism Grant. Commissioner Borner talked to Carly Wheatly from Snowy Mountain Development Corporation and Jan Stoddard the Bureau Chief, Industry Services & Outreach for the Office of Tourism and Business Development under the Montana Department of Commerce regarding the Tourism Grant for vaulted latrines at the Cowbelles campground and Fairgrounds. The Road Department isn’t going to go for a Coal Board Grant this ask. Commissioner Borner wants to mention a possible grant to the Sheriff for the impound building and Ambulance Director Solberg for the Dispatch remodel.

Commissioner Carlson met with Mayor Jones and City Council members to discuss the lease for Refuse. A possible Memorandum of Understanding or purchase of the land by the County was suggested. Commissioner Carlson is attending the Refuse Board meeting on Tuesday and the issue will be discussed. It will also be discussed at the City Council meeting on August 6.

After talking to WWC Engineering regarding the Work Order for the Courthouse steps. Mark Qualman will be asked to do the bids.

Maintenance Supervisor Jett gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. There needs to be a new electrical outlet for the water softener at the Commons. The Golden Thimble has requested a shed or someplace the put the overflow of items received. The Food Bank heating and cooling sensor may need fixed. Ms. Jett is waiting on bids for the windows at the Commons.

Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert and Secretary Kenner gave their weekly report to the Commissioners. The party that owns the land for the #4 alteration have hired an Attorney to move forward with the easement. They are going to table a request to the Coal Board for a building to house the equipment for now. There will be a meeting on August 13, 2019 to discuss a preliminary gravel permit site. Commissioner Carlson met with some land owners on Colony Road letting them know we are interested in repairing the road but do not want to continually “band aid” it. The land owners are willing to give the County additional right of ways to install a hopefully permanent fix. They are also willing to assist with repair and material. The invoices for the generators were given to the Commissioners and they will give them to DES. They have been working on the North Gage Road washout area, mowing in East and North districts, blading on Graves and Johnson.

Sheriff Lesnik gave his weekly report to the Commissioners. The Sleuth maintenance renewal was discussed. They may be switching to ADSi. Mr. Lesnik will be discussing the change with Ambulance Director Solberg. Commissioner Borner mention a possible Coal Board Grant for funds for the impound building. Sheriff Lesnik requested the clothing allowance for Deputies be increased by $75.00 per Deputy. They will be doing interviews all day on August 5, 2019.

Weed Coordinator Beck met with the Commissioners to make sure they are behind her non-compliance issues. All Commissioners said yes.

Treasurer Hetrick gave her weekly report to the Commissioners. A letter to be signed regarding mobile home billing will be added to the 3:00 business.

Ambulance Director Solberg met with the Commissioners to discuss the server licenses and Sleuth. Commissioner Borner suggested a possible Coal Board grant for the dispatch remodel.

Victim Witness Advocate Allen met with the Commissioners to let them know about a situation that happened at the Food Bank.

Greg & Deanna Dillman and Forrest Mandeville met with the Commissioners for the preliminary plan review of the Dillman Certificate of Survey and Finding of Facts that were submitted by WWC Engineering. There were minor changes the Planning Board suggested at their meeting on July 25, 2019. All Commissioners agreed with the findings.

Public Comment:

Virginia Carlson, Ken Stahl, John Wipf and Fred Wipf were present.

Item #4 to appoint Ron Coleman to the Refuse Board was tabled until after the Refuse Board meeting on Tuesday July 30, 2019.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to discuss and sign the letter regarding the Colony Road Encroachment. Commissioner Carlson seconded. Discussion: Commissioner Borner said last week the item was tabled because she didn’t know anything about it until the 3:00 business and wanted more information. Since then Commissioner Carlson and Tom Stockert have gone out to Colony Road to try to find a solution to the water coming over the road. The Commissioner and Road and Bridge Supervisor Stockert are worried about liability. For now, and until the water comes down the Road Department will keep putting gravel on it to make it passable. Once the water is down, the land owners will give a right of way to the Road Department to go in and fix the road properly with a concrete culvert that will be paid for by the County. Gravel and materials are going to be donated by the residents. This item will be taken off the 3:00 business.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to discuss and vote on applying for the DLA (Delivering Local Assistance) Grant regarding the sinking of the Courthouse. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Discussion: Commissioner Borner said she thinks it’s best that Snowy Mountain Development Corp do the grant and Stahly Engineering do the study. Commissioner Berry said he think they should move forward with the application and if anything changes, we don’t have to accept. Commissioner Borner asked the question of who all is in favor? Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Carlson made the motion to discuss and vote on applying for the Montana Tourism Grant for vaulted latrines at the Fairgrounds. Commissioner Berry seconded the motion. Commissioner Borner said they should go for 2 in Cowbells Campground and 1 at the Fairgrounds. Virginia Carlson asked who will maintain the latrines? Commissioner Borner said the County will. Commissioner Borner asked the question of who all was in favor? Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Borner said aye.   Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to sign Certificate of Survey 2019-6 for a Boundary Relocation Section 24, Township 7-North, Range 26-East being Parcel A of COS 2013-RB submitted by Alan & Christine Hovious and Richard C., Royleene and Bruce Baracker. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Berry made the motion to suspend the rules to approve the Work Order #3 submitted by WWC Engineering for the Sheriff’s office steps and sign the letter for Mobile Home Tax Bill Refunds. Commissioner Carlson seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner asked the question of all in favor of approving Work Order #3? Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

Commissioner Borner aksed the question of all in favor of signing the letter from Treasurer Hetrick for Mobile Home Tax Bill Refunds? Commissioner Berry and Commissioner Carlson said aye. Motion carried.

There being no further business the motion was made to adjourn. Motion carried.

Tuesday July 30, 2019, Commissioner Borner and Commissioner Carlson met with Clerk & Recorder Tomassi, Treasurer Hetrick and Road Secretary Kenner for a conference call to the Department of Administration regarding the MFLAP Gant fund numbers.



Last modified: September 30, 2019

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